Android refresh activity when returns to it. Btw, I found that setting the style with "android .
Android refresh activity when returns to it These activities are arranged in a stack called the back stack in the order in which each activity is opened. Button; public However, the main activity does not refresh at all. Third, in your case you might want to use startActivityForResult() instead of startActivity() for reasons I will explain below. I need to reload an activity from another activity in android application. So I need to override OnResume Method. Yes, Google ID tokens are issued for one hour validity and will expire, you can simply use silentSignIn in your app to get a new one without any user interaction. Activity; import android. Consider purchasing "The Busy Coder's Guide to Advanced Android Development", to read in particular Chapter 13, "Advanced Service Patterns". To be brief, this means that only one 'instance' of B will ever exist within this Task. 2 (API level 13), the "screen size" also changes when the device switches between portrait and landscape orientation. Auto refresh the activity. Very good explanations are given here and here. I use startActivity() to start new activities. OnResume will happen every time you close and open up the app, which will use a bit more resources, especially if you're refreshing a lot of data. I don't want use reload activity because of the back button. I was thinking this would be done in onResume? I tried simply restarting the activity through an intent but that's not usability friendly. I want my main activity to refresh when I return from login activity. Go to downloadedFile activity. In this fragment I got a button which calls another activity to insert an object into the database. Similarly, a new instance of a "singleTop" activity may also be created to handle a new Actually what i am changing here is the button text, but it is based on my database, so it changes even after registering, i will close the app, the next time i open again the app the user wont have access to dev registration anymore, my only problem is that, when i register then i dismiss the dialog fragment, the profile page isnt refreshing unless i close the profile fragment I make some code to refresh MainActivity activity when internet is coming but I have problem when I put some method in activity to make refresh activity it's always return null to me. RESULT_OK, MyIntentToReturn); If you have no intent to return then just say. setOnClickListener(new CustomListener(dialog)); return dialog; } here, pass I have a QuestionActivity were I show the list of questions in the RecyclerView. and also support all screen. RESULT_OK); If the the activity has bad results you can use Activity. Intent Service is going to do background operation asynchronously. onResume() and release it in Activity. When testing your hello world example there are a few ways to leave and return to the Activity. postDelayed( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { In the main activity, these preferences should be displayed. Option 2 finish(); startActivity(getIntent()); Usually it is better to let Android handle the lifecycle itself. If I use FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT it What code would i add so that when the menu button refresh is pressed it will refresh the webview that is in my application. mainscreen);. I can use this intent to refresh the activity currently: Intent refresh = new Intent(this, Favorites. Anyone can see there is new layout coming. These fragments contains a Listview which displays data with custom Adapter i made. @Override public int getItemPosition(Object object) { return POSITION_NONE; } By doing that, you tell android to refresh the fragment each time the view pager tries to get it. public class LoadingPage extends ActionBarActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { I have looked EVERYWHERE and my little brain just can't understand a better way to refresh an activity. 3. So there is a second approach: First, create an interface to be called when your need refresh: Jetpack navigation component replaces the fragments. I am having fragment with list view when listitem clicks new activity starts with current list postion values after changes i went back to fragmen and how to reload fragment values. public void refreshData(){ Intent intent = getIntent(); finish(); startActivity(intent); } Now the thing I want to do is, when Button onclick, it jump from Activity A. Use a Handler and its postDelayed method to invalidate the list's adapter as follows:. Everything works ok (activity / current fragment communication) except the fact that I cannot refresh the fragment's view. getMenus() methods creates a new instance of LiveData for every call. After you save changes, it closes the edit activity from the edit activity, then goes back to the profile displaying activity, there I need to restart this activity to refresh the data. So This example demonstrates how to reload activity in Android. ) where D is the topmost activity and A is root activity. Content of activity B can be changed by user. The recommended pattern for Android's equivalent to cron jobs and Windows As per me there is simple to refresh the fragment when come back from other fragment, We just have to override the onActivityCreated Method for refresh fragment. Once HomeScreen is started, I want to prevent the users from being able to return to the login or sign up screens by I have a floating button in one of my fragments. When I click on add favorites, I need to reload the menu options, making it appear del favorites in the options and not appear add favorites. So I want to refresh the current activity when Radio button clicked. 3 different Fragment can be displayed in it. Performance wise, it isn't the best practice. public void setTheme (int resid) Since: API Level 1 Update for Android 3. , before setContentView(R. Hot Network Questions In android studio, I can refresh the activity using the following method. Another time the Order activity will do When the covered activity returns to the foreground and regains focus, the system calls onResume(). (Let's call the activity A) Activity A contains the fragments. u can use the same method to close Activity B and reload Activity A The same would be (as you can see from image), when app proccess is killed, and user returns to interrupted activity. Once you add the new data to your db, you will have to reset the data in your recyclerView and call notifyDataSetChanged(). notifyDataSetChanged(); in your Activity. recreate. However, when supporting lower api versions you need When user call startService () from activity, it doesn’t create an instance for each request and it going to stop service after done some action in service class or else we need to stop service As an alternative to defining the XML file and passing it to setContentView(), you can create new View objects in your activity code and build a view hierarchy by inserting new View objects into a ViewGroup. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a This document shows how to update your app when the user requests a manual refresh, whether they trigger it with a swipe gesture or use the action bar refresh action. xml file. When the activity returns, it calls onActivityResult() and inside that function I am trying to refresh my ListView. Have you considered using Fragments instead of multiple activities I have to update total price of the items selected in the cart activity by refreshing the activity when user updates the quantity of the items selected. Activity 1 is a ListActivity. I have no idea how to tell the map activity to refresh on its own and display the new coords Call notifyDataSetChanged() on your Adapter. Now I click the button the current layout gone and open new one. So when the Sign up activity calls the Location activity, it has to return the data to the Sign up activity. Each instance handles a single intent. Android will destroy background activities when under memory pressure or after they've been in the background for an extended period of time. layout. Just save the important stuff whenever the system feels like destroying your activity - so you can recreate it with the last state again edit: It is long ago since I last messed around with multiple activities. I'm on 4. I can't use startActivity() when calling A from D because it will fire onCreate() which starts a thread to fetch some data. 2. When I clicked the radio button I want to change the language and refresh the current Activity without any delay. No call to invalidate() should be needed. Hot Network Questions Inequality, limit and existence of integer sequences When application is restarted, all activities created again, so now language changed correctly. os. I have MainActivity and CurrencyActivity. You can do this in the Android Manifest. Create one I play a rtsp video stream using MediaPlayer and display it in a SurfaceView. i tried the following code inside the onActivityResult() method which works fine for other activities (non-MAIN) but not for MAIN activity. My question is, How can I update You return to the app from the background after the OS has destroyed the activity. Add SwipeRefreshLayout as a parent of view which will be treated as a pull to refresh the layout. You then use that layout by passing the root ViewGroup to setContentView(). Call recreate() on your Activity. If you simply return to Activity1 using finish() on Activity2, there will be no call to onCreate, Android: Refresh Activity. This is not the correct way to go about it. After implementing some Android Apps, including several Map activities, I try to refresh the activity when the GPS listener's onLocationChanged() method is called. public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { @Override protected void I have my main Activity with a fragment, which has a Recyclerview retrieving all the data populated from the database. But it takes some time. I want to reload an activity from stack. import android. In case of good ol' ListView all it takes is retrieving getChildAt(0), checking its getTop() and calling setSelectionFromTop with the same exact data afterwards. I have a Location activity that can be called from many activities, such as Sign up and Order. 1. public class Cart extends AppCompatActivity { . To apply the theme, make sure you do it before any View is drawn, i. Restarting an activity is pretty straight forward if your app supports HoneyComb and above. final Handler handler = new Handler() handler. Currently I have not done any thing in activity's onResume() method. setResult(Activity. If you are 'falling back' to activity B, then you'll need to do two things in order to avoid hitting B's onCreate method. In onResume, you need to re-request it. What you could do is - create a singleton of MenusRepository (which I think you have already done). 15. After finishing work, performed changes can be persisted (e. d(TAG, "Started restoring state"); Bundle data = getIntent(). The idea of the project is to restart the activity and to observe it, by generating a random number. Total price method is in the MainActivity while the cart items selected is in the RecyclerView. It does not add the fragments to stack. The problem is when the Activity ends and returns to the Main Activity the Recyclerview doesn't show the new item I just created. When the user selects a message, a new activity opens to view that message. The source code for this chapter is available on Github, with this handy introduction:. But this item may be partially scrolled out of view, and if you want to restore the exact scroll position of the list you need to get this offset. If you override it, you can refresh your activity from there. Some additional specifics on how/when to call notifyDataSetChanged() can be viewed in this Google I/O video. This will force the activity to remain in portrait mode and prevent it from rotating. So far, it only works when I close the app and reopen it. RESULT_CANCELED (this is used by default). My problem is that the Service doesn't come out of looper. The app has 2 activities. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 11 months ago. Now if you want to avoid that black screen, you should show a progress dialog at the start of activity and do the long processing in a separate thread (i. Refresh TextView on return from Activity. Specifically, I have login and sign up screens, both start a new activity called HomeScreen when successful login/signup occurs. Step 2: Working with the activity_main. So ListView. class, and instantly refresh B. Btw, I found that setting the style with "android Finally, Google released an official version of the pull-to-refresh library! It is called SwipeRefreshLayout, inside the support library, and the documentation is here:. Refreshing parent activity on going back from current activity. The onRestart() method is a callback method in the Android Activity lifecycle that is called when the activity is restarting after having been stopped. Refresh Tab Activity on Android. Refreshing the activity. Then it opens a new activity to make changes to the activity. To refresh an activity's data when you return from another activity in Android, you can utilize the startActivityForResult method to launch the child activity and receive a result back in the When I press sync button in my child activity I'm starting a new activity which is not in tab host and when the sync is done, it returns to it's parent (child activity). class. I do MediaPlayer initial works in Activity. After the back button is called in Activity B, onResume() is called in Activity A. class); startActivity(refresh); this. Isn't my case. There’s a simple sample provided in this answer but I wrote a sample app and a blog post about it. getAdapter. 4. Modified 9 years, 9 months ago. e. ListActivity calls a standard Activity. 1. Activity isn't called when clicking on a tab for the second time. Second, android is good at handling Activities, you do not have to close your first activity manually with finish(). You should load comments (api/server call) in onResume function rather than onCreate function of Activity A so that every time the activity is resumed your comments are refreshed. I have two action in toolbar . Viewed 175 times Part of Mobile Development Collective android; textview; refresh; preferenceactivity; preference; It's an old question, but i'm having issues with this solution. For more information, see the Android docs for Tasks and Back Stack. Android Studio refresh the activity and display the current fragment. android:configChanges="locale" also added in manifest for all activities. (DialogInterface. Android calls the onResume() callback every time you return to an activity with the back button. Now, when the Activity resumes, it makes every View to draw itself. This site have some examples, but most is after click button. widget. Android activity restart. It appears you are using a Fragment or an Activity, so you could either of the following: Register the ViewModel as a lifecycle observer of the Fragment or Activity and do a new fetch when onStart is called; Make the Fragment or Activity call fetchData in the onStart callback Suppose I have some code in Home activity which should be executed every time when I open Home Activity. ) Make B a "SingleTask" activity. The requestCode corresponds to the integer passed in the startActivityForResult call, while the resultCode and data Intent are returned from the child Activity. getFirstVisiblePosition() returns the top visible list item. // store stuff in the bundle return data; } My restoreData() function: private void restoreData() { Log. WebView; It seems that I found a solution to my problem. Now the problem is when I go back from the activity to the fragment the fragment does not auto refresh. On click of which an activity pops up. Camera doesn't like it if you try to hold it when you aren't the active activity. In the Location activity the user enters his location, so the activity Location will return this new location to that activity which called it. MenuInflater; import android. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a How to refresh Activity when IntentService is finished in android - Before getting into the example, we should know what Intent service is in android. Refresh activity and re-open. As noted in another answer, calling overridePendingTransition(0, 0) after finish() disables the closing animation. When I finish Activity B then Activity A should refresh the fragments. You will need to use the new architecture components 1. Look at startActivityForResult and onActivityResult functions if you want to return information from child activity back to a parent activity. getExtras(); // restore stuff in the bundle 2018: Android supports this natively through lifecycle components. finish(); I have three activities,the first one is used to hold some values from database,and a list view was showed on the second one,when i click any item in that list view I'll be jumping to the third activity and able to edit the item i selected,after updating the data in the database,new datas will be shown in the second activity,but when I return to the first one,nothing was Your code snippet 1 will create a recursive scenario here. Although batteries are getting better and the devices becomming more powerful you are still developing on a mobile system where you - as a developer - have somehow a responsibility to save resources :) So if you just need to update the data it will be more efficient to not reload everything since a Option 1. So if I launch an activity form Home Activity. Every thing is OK but when I hit one of that actions and return to QuestionActivity the RecyclerView couldn't get updated. UI Thread or Simply use async class). View; import android. data is the recyclerView's dataset you are // setting in In my android app, I have an activity that displays profile information. Navigate to the app > res > layout > activity_main. When you press the back button while in the second activity, then Android automatically invokes the previous activity on the back stack, which is in your case your main activity. I have a menu in my app android. onResume is called every time the task/app becomes active (for ex: android - refresh parent Activity when child Activity finishes. See ProcessLifecycleOwner. When the BACK button is pressed on the phone, I want to prevent a specific activity from returning to its previous one. I have back button in toolbar for Fragment to Activity communication. Declare the request code as a constant at the top of your activity: public static final int OPEN_NEW_ACTIVITY = 123456; Put this where you start the new activity: How to refresh current Activity 1 time after load? My code refresh the activity, but in Loop. using onResume() and onStop() inside the fragment is making the fragment refresh too many times that the app is crashing and I really don't know what I am doing wrong, if you can please help me with this issue Using startActivityForResult is the most elegant way to do it. view. Some use cases: If an activity is paused or stopped and the user returns to it, the onRestart() method can be used to resume the activity from its paused or stopped state. refreshing activity. app. Any suggestions that I can understand would be great. Reload activity each time the TabActivity is visited. public void setData(List<YourDataType> data){ this. The code works because when call onCreate() in the main activity, that contain notifyDataSetChanged(), to refresh list with the lamp that I created with addLamp. Intent; import android. The system then, in rapid succession, calls onPause() and onStop(). EDIT: Updated the stack. onPause(). Below is How can I save activity state (B) when moving to previous activity (A) and how to restore it's previous state when moving back (to activity B)?. My code is: finish(); onPause() is called in Activity A when it launches Activity B. Code for I have implemented one app where I am using RecyclerView when i click on item it go to another activity to show details of that item when i click back the recyclerView reload i wan to make the back button back to the same position in recylerView please help I search a lot but i did not find any thing my code is: I want to refresh the Activity from Fragment. Menu; import android. Reload an activity inside tabhost. . A task is a collection of activities that users interact with when trying to do something in your app. BUTTON_POSITIVE); tb. When the 2nd activity is finished, I use the finish() method to close the activitity which returns to the ListActivity. I overridden onResume method: @Override public void Android: Refresh ListView in first activity on return from second activity. Just use Activiy. But sometimes some data may changes in my database, so i would like to Here is the explanation from Android docs, The "standard" and "singleTop" modes differ from each other in just one respect: Every time there's a new intent for a "standard" activity, a new instance of the class is created to respond to that intent. If u opened Activity A->B->C. If your existing token hasn't expired yet, you will get the (cached) version back (OptionalPendingResult returned will have isDone() == true); if it expired already, you will get a refreshed one (but it will take a I would not recommend reloading your complete activity. If a new activity or dialog appears in the foreground, taking focus and completely covering the activity in progress, the covered activity loses focus and enters the Stopped state. More precisely, everything works as expected except the animation. For more information about creating a user interface, see the user interface I was trying to refresh the fragment when pressing back from an activity, I tried using onResume() and onStop() and it worked but another issue comes. So that data is fetched every time the activity resumes. See my answer below. @Override public int getItemPosition(Object object) { // POSITION_NONE makes it possible to reload the PagerAdapter return POSITION_NONE; } Once you did that call . In onPause, you need to release the Camera. webkit. Read about Activity Lifecycle for more details. Modified 10 years, 9 I need the content on the MAIN activity to be updated when a child activity returns. Modified 11 years, 2 months ago. Modified 13 years, when menu item1 is selected, I launch a new Activity. The session is likely cached in Shared preferences. So how do I refresh fragments when I resume an activity? I have a problem with list refresh when user closes one activity and returns to previous. WebView; import android. class to B. The thing that I want to achieve is Is it possible to refresh or reload the current activity? How about the previous one? My activity flow is as follows: Act1 -> Act2 -Act3 In Activity 3, some updates to a remote DB In this article, we will show you how you could restart activity in Android. You can use something like: use finish(); on Activity C. Before persisting, user may want to navigate back to previous activity. MenusRepository. It works fine when jump to a To access the returned data in the calling Activity override onActivityResult. and use @Override protected void onRestart() { super. 0. When I'm on Activity D I want to reload Activity A and not start a new Intent. I have a fragment activity that uses a ViewPager to display a set of fragments. If you start your second activity with the method startActivityForResult, when you return to the first activity, onActivityResult of the first activity will be called. If you need to refresh your data dynamically, move the data fetching and showing on the UI code portion to your onResume method. Log; import android. Listview not updating after return from Activity. SCENARIO. Like as @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. That 2nd activity is a dialog window, and based on the dialog window base activity should refresh the contents. util. When a user returns from an activity to the main menu of my program, what class do you use to for example; refresh/restart the main menu (update it)? android; database; Android: Refresh Activity. Bundle; import android. I mean, I don't even know how to do it. For example, an email app might have one activity to show a list of new messages. Then I returned back to Home Activity by finish(), Then, the code doesn't run when I returned back. ? import android. data = data; notifyDataSetChanged(); // where this. Ask Question Asked 13 years, 8 months ago. onRestart(); reloadDATABASE(); } on Activity B. <activity android:name=". content. From the fragment object itself you could use a callback to inform the Activity of the need to refresh. To set return a result to activity one then in activity two do. I am currently developing an android app. MainActivity" android:screenOrientation="portrait"> I have an Activity with a fragment container in layout. That's why the screen turns out black. However this method causes a flashing black screen to appear during the activity re-creation. 0 (latest at this time) but it’s specifically designed to do this. On pressing back button from ClassActivityEdit activity Landing activity flashes again and then the ClassActivity activity loads. March 2018 UPDATE: There is now a better solution. This example demonstrates how to reload activity in Android. Finding it a bit tricky to solve. onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); //your code which you want to refresh How does one refresh the data displayed in RecyclerView (calling notifyDataSetChanged on its adapter) and make sure that the scroll position is reset to exactly where it was?. Thus, if you want to prevent runtime restarts due to orientation change when developing for API level 13 or higher (as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion I have class extended from listactivity, and contain arraylist of hashmap I can remove the element from data base, but I can't view the update until to switch to another activity and return to it. You would need a setData method in your recyclerView like so. g. I see that problem is very common but I can't solve it. Viewed 4k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 0 . 2 and higher: Caution: Beginning with Android 3. mViewPager. Just want to refresh an activity from adapter. Android Refresh activity when returns to itI need a little help with refreshing one of my activities in my application. When user call startService() from activity, it doesn’t create an instance for each request and it going to stop service after done some action in s I currently have activity A that fires an intent to goto B and while on act B if you press back I want to go back to act A but have it refresh itself. xml and add the below code to that file. (I took ListView as an example, it can be any View like LinearLayout, ScrollView etc. I call activity method upadetStateConnection from InternetReceiver class, when internet is coming. Activity C will close and Activity B will reload its DATABASE. Go to favorite activity. ok i guess you are doing some long processing after starting new activity. On the fragment activity I have a button that when clicked, it sends a message to the current fragment to refresh its contents. CWAC Wakeful: Staying Awake At Work. When Button onClick, it refreshData at current activity. So when you open Fragment B from Fragment A and click back button in Fragment B, then Fragment A gets recreated. Also I want it to refresh on back pressed. Reload activity on tab changed. xml File. Is there any way to refresh or update activity (without finish and starting I am new to android development. saved to local DB). I also tried using a custom animation, but the animation stops after 20-30ms, regardless of the duration i set in the xml. It doesn't Android Refresh activity when returns to it. I need the ListActivity to now refresh with the new dat Disable activity rotation: You can disable the activity rotation by adding android:screenOrientation="portrait" attribute to your activity in the AndroidManifest. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 2 months ago. You should have only one instance of LiveData and different objects subscribe to it (activity, viewModel, etc). MainActivity. My code: Since the class I've written holding the code changes the actual preference title and summary text styles for the whole rom (that was the whole point to the options I've added), I've also added a public constructor the classes that are activities that lie in the activity stack below the preference style screen so they can be updated at the same The code for that has been given in both Java and Kotlin Programming Language for Android. Android Array Adapter with ArrayList and ListView not I need to refresh Main Activity, when bol returns true, I call notifyDataSetChanged() to refresh the listView. Android will automatically pause or stop your first activity and bring it back when you return to it. So each list elements is created during onCreateView, after i queried a database to have data. How can I refresh the arraylist after each remove? the code : Edit 3: I also have a Landing (MAIN) activity which flashes for a second. Here is my example: pulic class MyActivity extends FragmentActivity{ private ViewPager pager; private TitlePageIndicator indicator; private TabsAdapter adapter; private Bundle savedInstanceState; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { . Ask Question Asked 9 years, 9 months ago. How to keep current activity run in background and return previous activity in android. public class You need to override onPause and onResume. 2, and calling overridePendingTransition(0, 0) in the launching activity's onCreate() will disable the starting animation (calling overridePendingTransition(0, 0) immediately after startActivity() did NOT work). MenuItem; import android. Then in activity one you do I am trying to save some data in "MainActivity" when switching to another activity, and restoring that data as I switch back to it. nil ocbl rnopo bjnsj hzlpp ytbqeguj mwgxaq rftvi hogau aoml ytlp tjckeao okqz ghadqvj zvwj