C64 super snapshot crt. 0 development by creating an account on GitHub.
C64 super snapshot crt. Tobias wrote:You might have true drive emulation disabled.
C64 super snapshot crt For more details refer to the VICE manual, I owned one along with a Super Snapshot 5, Jason Ranheim Capture and Isepic. crt image and attach to your virtual C64. ) Accueil > Commodore 64 > Commodore C64 - Applications - [CRT] (2006-03-02) Super Snapshot 5 PAL (1989)(LMS Tech) Archive: Super Snapshot 5 PAL (1989)(LMS And more! All previous Snapshot V5 ROMs have been 64K; this one is 128K. I see that its support for cartridge images is seriously limited. It has a faster microcontroller with more memory and I/O pins, allowing for additional functionality. Top. 1. 0 Operating Manual PDF: Super Snapshot v3. crt extension) and a freeze button in Classic mode. As you will notice from the screenshot, you lose a bit of memory from the top of BASIC. However, a few noteworthy options should be mentioned here. crt file hyper Hyper-Basic . comal Comal-80 C64 cartridge emulation, with support for many CRT files: Final Cartridge III; Action Replay; Retro Replay; Super Snapshot; Epyx Fastloader; Custom Ocean / System3 carts (up to 512K) Easy Flash and many more; Commodore 1750/1764 REU. net> - Thanks to him for allowing us to put all his stuff up here! SUPERFLUID is a basic extension, freezer and machine language monitor for the C64 or C128 with a Retro Replay (or compatible) cartridge. I also occasionally use it on my 128; however it boots directly to 64 mode (as expected). There are three buttons on the end of this cartridge for MENU, Special and RESET. The Commodore 64, also known as the C64, C-64, C=64,[n 1] or occasionally CBM 64 or VIC-64, is an 8-bit home computer introduced in January 1982 by Commodore International. crt or binary files). I thought Action Replay was but DCM builder will not import it. I am on KFF 1. Posted on November (CRT, LCD, PDP, Projector, etc) Posts navigation On the C64, pick the slot you want to put the CRT file in - don’t pick System Area. Read on for more details. I used this for my JiffyDOS, until I bought the actual chips and install them into my C64, that alone is pretty amazing. crt) image. SS64/SS2: Super Snapshot documentation always was quite complete and the wiki contains a large deal of it so we will save all of us the trouble of a complete feature rundown. The file/disk copier that's built in is top notch, almost as good as Maverick's. org 2021-03. Have "512k REU" setup in U64. I bought my first Warp Speed Cart. Figured that out after days of banging my head against the keyboard. REU Compatible; Size selectable from 128K up to 16 MB; The following is the contents of the CHIP packet, from position $0040 on in the CRT file. PACKAGE CONTENTS. Unofficial ROM update for the SuperSnapshot V5 C64 freezer cartridge - snappyrom/snappyrom-readme. Back in the day these were mainly used for fast loading files from floppy disk because the 1541 disk drive was very slow. Super Snapshot binaries rr. The D64 itself cannot be converted to a CRT file because it is a disk image, not binary code. Steps to reproduce: Load appropriate . x) C64GS (fw 2. The following is the contents of the CHIP packet, from position $0040 on in the CRT file. Really nice ML monitor that supports REU and a very good freezer function. For more details refer to the VICE manual, Welcome to the Community for everything and anything relating to the Commodore 64! Atomic Power, Epyx Fastload, Westermann, Rex, C64 Game System, WarpSpeed, Dinamic, Zaxxon, Expert, Magic Desk, Super Snapshot 5, Comal 80, Magic Formel, Ross, Structured BASIC, and Dela-EP64. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. c64. rar; 1. crt file mach5 Super Snapshot V5 . c: Super Snapshot v5. D64 disk images. SCRATCHFILES- Thescratch feature follows the format used in the RENAMEFILESoption. 64, 64C, SX 64, 128, 128D (in the 64. 0 Operating Manual. Now my EasyFlash3 looks like this. crt file ide64 IDE64 . 2020-07-02 English PDF 965. S. official website. The Action Replay cartridge series developed by Datel was released in the middle of 1986 and got several updates during the years. Thanks jpcompton, gillham, and adrianglz64; This release should address stability issues on some NTSC machines. This is a clone of the Super Snapshot v5 hardware. paulhocker William Wobbler Over the past few weeks, I have wrote steps on how to use Super Snapshot v5. For disk drives there are also hardware fast loaders. The monitor, fast load, DOS wedge, and character set tools are fantastic. ss5 Super Snapshot 5 . It should drop into your existing official Super Snapshot cartridge with a 128K EPROM or alternatively it will run on an EasyFlash 3 with a soft CPLD upgrade. 1 sources with some of my tweaks - VICE/doc/cartconv. Super Snapshot v5; Comal-80; EasyFlash; Prophet64; Freeze Frame; Freeze Machine; MACH 5; Pagefox; WarpSpeed 128; Supported File Types . For more details refer to the VICE manual, Accueil > Commodore 64 > Commodore C64 - Applications - [CRT] (2006-03-02) Choisissez votre affichage : << Précédente Magic Voice (19xx)(Commodore) Max Basic (19xx)(Commodore Max Machine) Super Snapshot 5 NTSC (1989)(LMS Tech) Super Snapshot 5 NTSC (1989)(LMS Tech)[a] Super Snapshot 5 PAL (1989)(LMS Tech) Yes. 0 Operating Manual Project64. Super Snapshot v4 (I used to have V5, & I like it better) Free Load (a Fast load re-do) Super Explode v5 (fast load cart. Super Snapshot v5 Comal-80 and you can also update the firmware via the sd slot. A snapshot of old VICE (C64 emulator) 2. zip: Contenu Contenu: Afficher: Nom : Contrôle : Super Snapshot 5 PAL (1989)(LMS Tech). The Super Snapshot V5 freezer/utility cartridge was released sometime in early. It featured 64KB of ROM and 8KB of RAM Kung Fu Flash is a mass support for Commodore 64 and 128 computers with the ability to emulate cartridges from . crt file kcs Super Snapshot V5 . Super Snapshot v2. 0 Operating Manual Addendum. Knowing the CRT ID is of no real use for the end user but might pose useful for hacking around. crt there is no issue accessing and loading Turbo Macro Pro from disk. 6, Kung Fu Flash, 1541 Ultimate, Ultimate 64 and the still The C64 Maxi has no cartridge slot. If you use the . A clone of the Super Snapshot 5. 22 companion disks. (Kolff Computer Supplies BV, Holland) became available in Europe in the middle of 1986. supersnapshot4. The following is cited from snapshot64. You should definitely get back into it. crt file ieee IEEE-488 Interface . There are so many modern day add-on for it. Power Cartridge by K. mode) and will use the following drives; 1541, 1541C, 1571, 1581 or 1541. Wasteland Lemon64 Donator! Posts: 657 I always had a Super Snapshot 5 before Thanks. Commodore 1750/1764 REU emulation Size selectable from 128K up to 16 MB; Can be combined with Retro Replay and Super Snapshot compatible roms Super Snapshot Version 5 : Data. 4. Commodore 64. 31-ntsc. All what you need to do this is a C64, an EasyFlash, the software available here and an image of the cartridge (*. Super Sketch (1984) (Personal Peripherals . Note I have re-adjusted the starting address to be $0000, since we are now looking at a file contained in the . It contains prg files, there are many methods to copy the prg files out. 42 on your NTSC C64 The CRT ID identifies an emulator . I think all the ones I tested reported PAL. Turbo Macro Pro, Vice C64 & Super Snapshot Help (SOLVED) For help with C64 hardware, software etc. I had a Super Snapshot V5 cartridge with my C64c "back in the day", and it was an invaluable piece of hardware. crt file. System: Size: 238. In Europe however it was available for over 6 years without any change. and for grabbing & printing graphics) Warp Speed v1 (almost forgot this some how) and I finally ordered an Easy Flash. Reply reply The CRT ID identifies an emulator . There are odd ball carts, like the Radar Basic 50K (Interesting cart. V. For more details refer to the VICE manual, Recently-released Super Snapshot V5 v5. It is listed in the Guinness World Records as the highest-selling single computer model of all time, with independent estimates placing the number sold between 10 and 17 C64 Games System . CRT file, and all size references are from where it starts. Heh. 22_v2_1990_PAL. Posted on September 9, 2020 September 9, 2020. illegal opcodes). Pages in category "Super Snapshot" The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. CRT file. PDF: Super Snapshot v2. Discover more from The Universe of Commodore 64. 0 development by creating an account on GitHub. Minor version numbers were so Accueil > Commodore 64 > Commodore C64 - Applications - [CRT] (2006-03-02) Super Snapshot 5 PAL (1989)(LMS Tech) Archive: Super Snapshot 5 PAL (1989)(LMS Tech). came in should include the following 1) SUPER SNAPSHOT cartridge, 2) instruction Pages in category "Super Snapshot" The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. 22 with my 1541 UII+ on my 64c. txt at master · adrianglz64/snappyrom Use the ". crt and do a >TV command to get the version. I also use The Final Cartridge III (and the + version) and Super Snapshot mostly for their freezers, but the Warp Speed has hung in there well. Help & Support. This is not a perfect solution and there may still be issues with some C64C machines . This means you can do nearly anything with it. It evolved into the Super Snapshot 64, then the Super Snapshot 3, 4, and finally the Super Snapshot 5. v1. 0 for the C64. cand reads: Finally an excerpt from a posting by Tom Cwiklaon See more Super Sketch (1984) (Personal Peripherals . x) Easyflash (no write support, fw 2. I use the Super Snapshot 5. Written by Daniel Kahlin <daniel(AT)kahlin. File name: Size : Last updated . CRT file, it'll show up in the menu but won't be selectable. 0 Operating Manual Super Snapshot v4. This crt contains over 25 Commodore 64 utilities which are mostly disk related programs. There are standalone software options or you could use a real c64 and an SD2IEC or a C64 Maxi or another emulator like Vice, all of which can copy the prg files off the tape onto a disk. Please let me know if this release is less stable than v1. crt file uc15 Super Snapshot documentation always was quite complete and the wiki contains a large deal of it so we will save all of us the trouble of a complete feature rundown. Emulators. PRG files and . Expert Cartridge images. Is the utility button for the Super Snapshot CRT image available to be mapped in VICE? If so, where does one do that? Commodore 64. Since at least SS3 the command @TV displays the current ROM version with PAL added whenever the ROM was fixed. You have to use the . x) Epyx FastLoad (fw 2. d64 disk image using c1541 (that comes with Vice) that contains the bin file for SS. txt PDF: Super Snapshot v4. Here is a link to the manual. But there are also a whole lot of (classic) cartridges of which you can download a . 1 sources with some of my tweaks - martinpiper/VICE Super Zaxxon . Kung Fu Flash - A Commodore 64/128 cartridge that packs a punch! Developed by Kim Jørgensen, Kung Fu Flash is a multi-format C64/C128 cartridge that can emulate different cartridge types, load PRG files and use DXX disk images. Connect your Commodore C64 to VGA CRT or LCD monitor ! Posted on July 16, 2020 July 16, 2020. Turbo function with full 6510 processor compatibility (incl. Also, a new Kung-Fu Flash firmware update was released today, adding 128K ROMs to its Super Snapshot support. crt file turtle Turtle Graphics II . Contribute to Kalidomra/SuperClone-5. Super Snapshot CRT Utility Button Mapping? C64 Emulation-related information, help and support. There are other cartridges that do similar things. The following file types are currently supported: Cartridge (CRT) C64/C128 generic cartridge (ROM, BIN) Disk image (D64, D71, D81) Tape image (T64 Kung Fu Flash is a Cartridge for the Commodore 64 that packs a punch! Kung Fu Flash can emulate different cartridge types, load PRG files, and use D64 disk images. Thanks to Eradicator68 Aka Gar Conklin, we are able to share the Super Snapshot v5. Super Snapshot v5; provides 7 EasyFlash slots, each of them is a full-featured EasyFlash 1; Here is a link to the cartridge (. 25 MB. Tobias wrote:You might have true drive emulation disabled. When using the cartridge image Super_Snapshot_v5. x) Flexible freezer menu select, mount, create D64 images, browse disk images; create new directories, delete Snapshot 64 Super Explode V5 & Utility Disk Super Snapshot V5. THEN you can add Action Replay and Super Snapshot to this. x emulation is handled by supersnapshot. Several companies distributed the Power Cartridge in various countries in the PAL domain but it seems the Super Snapshot 5 performance optimization; NTSC timing adjustments. Super Expander 64 [CRT] HOT: The SUPER EXPANDER 64 is a cartridge based program that adds 21 new commands and 11 new built-in functions to the BASIC language in your Commodore 64. Just place your desired CRT, PRG or D64 files on a FAT formatted microSD card and use the built-in launcher to execute them” Just copy your CRT, PRG or Dxx images onto a FAT formatted Micro SD and you are ready to go. Usethe cursor keys and space barto select all files that you wish to delete. 5 (2) Easy Flash 3, the multi-game cartridge for Commodore 64 Super Snapshot 5; Easy Flash 3 is open source. The specialty cartridges like the Super Snapshot and Action Replay worked the same way as the kernels. V5. ) I know some downloads say they're NTSC, but the test is to attach the . crt' images, as used by the CCS64 emulator by Per Håkan Sundell; Super Snapshot 4 images. It has many other features too in case you have not seen it. My Favorites: Supersnapshot 5 Cartridge for the Commodore 64 that packs a punch. Just copy the CRT, PRG or D64 files to a microSD card and launch them via its built-in selection menu. 22 is the 128KB ROM update for the Super Snapshot V5 Commodore 64 cartridge. Easyflash; S. VGA-output with 60 Hz refresh rate or more. Back The CRT ID identifies an emulator . Final III+. x) Flexible freezer menu select, mount, create D64 images, browse disk images; create new directories, delete A fast loader, also called turbo loader or floppy speeder, accelerates the loading of programs. C64 cartridge emulation (also see CRT_ID): generic 8k/16k game; Final Cartridge III; Action Replay; Retro Replay; Super Snapshot; Ocean (fw 2. It also has a USB connection to be able to Transfer D64s to real disks at very fast speeds. pdf 0 × 0; 5. First of all you can have EIGHT custom Kernals. crt -It was suggested to download from zopharroms. crt file Power Cartridge by K. Plus webpage like CSDb has D64 (Disk images) of games with tons of cheats/trainers, check them out. 4 thoughts on “ Super Snapshot ” mad scientist jr on March 2, 2020 at 7:10 pm said: The Commodore 64 is STILL FUN in 2020. It was the least effective as a freezer cartridge compared to the Capture/SS5 while the ML monitor was a disappointment because rarely would it let you resume a game you froze to view A snapshot of old VICE (C64 emulator) 2. I have used other cartridges as well. Also, a In this video I show the Easy Flash 3 cartridge and how to put a Super Snapshot v5 freezer / utility cartridge image onto it using a pi1541 floppy emulator. I wish I could find another V2, but they seem to be hard to find now, for whatever reason. It was written from scratch taking ideas from various sources. Reply reply Cartridge for the Commodore 64 that packs a punch. 31 aka "SnappyROM" fails in a manner the developer says is consistent with the full 128k ROM not being loaded properly. Awful version rundown ahead: The base for the MK1 freezer obviously has been the Snapshot 64 ROM which underwent only Code: Select all convert: cartconv [-r] [-t cart type] -i "input name" -o "output name" [-n "cart name"] [-l load address] print info: cartconv [-r] -f "input name" -f <name> print info on file -r repair mode (accept broken input files) -t <type> output cart type -i <name> input filename -o <name> output filename -n <name> crt cart name -l <addr> load address cart types: bin UPDATE I got Super Snapshot to work! Instead of writing the bin file directly to the SD card in my Pi1541, I created a . 21 MB. Commodore C64 scandoubler by DomCade. The BackBit is a fantastic cart that is part EasyFlash and Part SD2IEC on steroids. crt). Root > reference-material > manuals > commodore-64-manuals > cartridge-manuals. crt: 1a447a05: Taille: 43 Ko: Téléchargements: 797 depuis le Dimanche 06 Mai 2007 . crt ****help!**** Post by iamdenteddisk » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:11 am ok I posted the other day about finding a working copy of SuperSnapshot. back when they first came out, and have used it ever since. crt file star Stardos . . Fast loaders are available for the datasette and the disk drive, and with a simple fast loader on software basis the 5- to 15-fold of the normal loading speed is reached. crt in my case) C64 reboots to Snapshot menu; Press F5 to enter Turbo Macro Pro My vote would be for Super Snapshot 5. Cartconv supplied with VICE will convert binaries to . x) Magic Desk (fw 2. JD just locks up. crt), and Turbo Macro Pro. Kung Fu Flash 2 is the big brother of Kung Fu Flash . Super Snapshot v5; Comal-80; EasyFlash; Prophet64; Freeze Frame WarpSpeed 128; Supported File Types. crt file kcs KCS Power Cartridge . The following file types are currently supported: Cartridge (CRT) C64/C128 generic cartridge (ROM, BIN) Disk image (D64, D71, D81) More information. crt file ks Kingsoft . 1990. Compatible with the original SSv5, EasyFlash3 1, Vice 3. It was given to me by another SS5 owner who wasn't particularly impressed with it. Just place your desired CRT, PRG, or D64 files on a FAT-formatted microSD card The 1541 Ultimate-II (released in 2012) is a Commodore 64 plug-in hardware device from Gideon’s Logic B. that emulates two Commodore 1541, 1571 and 1581 disk drives and a host of C64 cartridges. crt to KFF (snappyrom-5. crt file uc1 Universal Cartridge 1 . Disk 1 is mainly parameters for the copier, and side 2 has many useful Super Snapshot stuff for all versions including Snapshot64 can be found here. Special is used for the Snapshots. I just tried a standard Donkey Kong crt and it works fine This is a 100% MUST HAVE cartridge for any Commodore 64 user. The Power Cartridge came without version Auf dem anderen KFF-Modul ist ein Super Snapshot Soft-CRT-Image als standardmäßiger KFF-Autostart eingestellt. crt" files for Vice, Kung Fu Flash, etc. This is an NTSC setup and I don’t have Jiffy DOS on mine. crt format by passing it the correct keyword. So I just obtained an EasyFlash (1) and seem to have failed myself on research before purchasing. MK1 and MK2 likely (we cannot confirm this yet) share the same hardware base and are direct branches of the Snapshot 64!. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. Several companies distributed the Power Cartridge in various countries in the PAL domain but it seems the cartridge never was sold in the USA. Das funktioniert aber erst nach dem der C64 Core wohl gestartet ist (wobei aber kein Bildschirminhalt anzeigt wird!) und dann zusätzlich (blind) manuell der Reset-Taster an der Seite des MEGA65 gedrückt wird. txt at master · martinpiper/VICE. crt file ieeeflash64 IEEE Flash! 64 interface . crt file, allows it to check the file to a certain degree and distinguish wether emulation is provided or not. 22 (. 1 Using cartridge images), it is possible to attach several types of cartridge images: Commodore 64. BIN not the . Téléchargement: Super Snapshot v5; Comal-80; C128 Generic cartridge (external function ROM) WarpSpeed 128; Currently supported file types: Cartridge (CRT) C64/C128 generic cartridge (ROM, BIN) Disk image (D64, D71, D81) Tape image (T64) Program (PRG, P00) Firmware update (UPD) Text document (TXT, NFO, 1ST) This is an open source Commodore 64 flash ROMs can be stored in onboard flash or read from MMC card (as . 5 KB: Website: Download. ok I posted the other day about finding a working copy of SuperSnapshot. The super snapshot v5 (or whatever the highest version was) will speed up loads but also give you some nice options beyond fastloads. crt: 8d281cf8: Taille: 42 Ko: Téléchargements: 704 depuis le Dimanche 06 Mai 2007 . 2 with "TheC64", C64C and the Ultimate64. All of the traces are close Collection of links and articles about the famous PET, VIC, C64, C128, TED, Amiga and PC Commodore machines. Cheers Draven I don't have a link handy, but I found it by just googling it. compatibles such as the FSD, Indus, Commander, MSD, etc. pdf 0 × 0; 116 KB. ea31 Mikie Posts: 474 Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2004 10:37 am Cartridge for the Commodore 64 that packs a punch. 1. Welcome to the Community for everything and anything relating to the Commodore 64! You might want to also look into utility cartridges like the Super Snapshot and Action Replay, which can "snapshot" or "freeze" a running game to disk. crt file wl Westermann Learning . C64/C128 compatible Supported Cartridges. COREi64. Just use: File >>> Attach cart image >>> CRT Image. Moderator: Lemoners. Coupled with the ROM in the C64 as well as the drive, I don't think it's worth the hassle. Téléchargement: C64 cartridge emulation (also see CRT_ID): generic 8k/16k game; Final Cartridge III; Action Replay; Retro Replay; Super Snapshot; Ocean (fw 2. pdf Super Snapshot 5 will usually get out of the way when something has custom disk routines. A tap file is like and "image" of a tape. Action Replay Cartridges. Just place your desired CRT, PRG or D64 files on a FAT formatted microSD card and use the In relation to the question, the CRT format is being used a lot more by homebrewers and there have been a couple of interesting developments in recent times: - 2-in-1 CRT for Maniac Mansion and Zak MacCracken - CRT file for Creatures 2 Both of those on their own seem worth the investment of an EasyFlash (as long as they both work on EF) Easy Flash 3, multi-game cartridge for Commodore 64. Note: “send” the file from the PC first, then use the menu system in the EF3 cart on the C64 to get things moving. The package that your SUPER SNAPSHOT. According to the user manual the C64 Maxi supports virtual cartridges (files with . Super Snapshot v5; Comal-80; EasyFlash; Prophet64; Freeze Frame; Freeze Machine; MACH 5; Pagefox; RGCD, Hucky WarpSpeed 128; Supported File Types. Subscribe to get the `. SUPER SNAPSHOT requires a Commodore. In 2016, the successor Ultimate-II+ (U2+) was released, which was replaced in 2022 by the Ultimate-II+L (U2+L). 2 +System Disk + Manual Technical Developments Unstoppable Reset Cartridge MK2 Trigsoft GT Loader Turbotool (CAS) 64. Kung Fu Flash can emulate different cartridge types, load PRG files and use D64 disk images. For help with C64 hardware, software etc. action-replay-enhancement-disk-v4-instructions. , had both disk and tape fast loaders. c found at the VICEproject page: SuperSnapshot v3 should be compatible to this - the info is somewhat lacking though. 37 KB 2,327: Download: SUPER SNAPSHOT requires a Commodore 64, 64C, SX 64, 128 or 128D (i n the 64 mode) and will use the following drives; 1541, 1541C, 1541II, 1571, 1581 or 1541 compatibles such as the FSD, Indus, Commander, MSD, etc. 1541 Ultimate; C. The following file types Accueil > Commodore 64 > Commodore C64 - Applications - [CRT] (2006-03-02) Super Snapshot 5 PAL (1989)(LMS Tech)[a] Nom : Contrôle : Super Snapshot 5 PAL (1989)(LMS Tech)[a]. Super Snapshot 5 images. 6+ Cartridge VCF 280 by Cabletronic (FC III Clone) Warp Speed - Cinemaware - Boxed complete Any help in dumping them would be appreciated. See In WinVICE, don't worry about using File >>> Attach cart image >>> Super Snapshot Image. The hardware design and all software packages are licensed under Open Source licenses. 41 on NTSC C64. crt: ed5cb065: Taille: 43 Ko: Téléchargements: 1222 depuis le Dimanche 06 Mai 2007 super snapshot . Both TMP and TMP+REU where used, but for some reason TMP+REU would not reset to the editor using "sys32768" (TMP worked OK), when using the U64. crt file gs C64 Games System . Over time, more features were added to the Snapshot cartridge, like a disk editor, screen copier, and so forth. However I'm trying to figure out what cartridges are supported. No Super Snapshot, not Epyx Fastloader, etc. txt PDF: Super Snapshot v5. Chameleon; E. CRT ID: S64: None yet. and more at Binaries and category. THEN you can add Action Replay and Super Snapshot to Accueil > Commodore 64 > Commodore C64 - Applications - [CRT] (2006-03-02) Super Snapshot 5 NTSC (1989)(LMS Tech) Contenu: Afficher: Nom : Contrôle : Super Snapshot 5 NTSC (1989)(LMS Tech). Just place your desired CRT, PRG or DXX files on a FAT formatted microSD card and use the built-in launcher to execute them. The general handling is inspired by Datel's Action Replay series. C. As with the C64 (see section 7. These are switched either between the serial bus interface (Serial The following is the contents of the CHIP packet, from position $0040 on in the CRT file. ok I tried all that but I cant ge Game Killer . The EasyFlash 3 is cheaper and has the ability to act as a freezer cart for Action replay, Super Snapshot, etc. md Magic Desk, Domark, Hes Australia . Some very wel known and loved classics are: Super Snapshot; Action Replay; Final Cartride III Super Games Ocean type 1 Epyx Fastload C64 Game System, System 3 WarpSpeed Dinamic Zaxxon, Super Zaxxon Magic Desk, Domark, HES Australia Super Snapshot v5 Comal-80 EasyFlash Prophet64 Freeze Frame Freeze Machine Pagefox RGCD, Hucky Drean C128 Generic cartridge (external function ROM) WarpSpeed 128 Supported File Types This was integrated with the Commodore 64 on startup so it was always there as long as the cartridge was inserted. Super Snapshot v5; Comal-80; EasyFlash; Prophet64; Freeze Frame; Freeze Machine; MACH 5; Pagefox; RGCD, Hucky; Drean; C128 Generic cartridge (external function ROM) Cartridge (CRT) C64/C128 generic cartridge (ROM, BIN) Disk image (D64, D71, D81) Tape image (T64) Program (PRG, P00) Firmware update (UPD) Text document (TXT, NFO, 1ST) Retro The CRT ID identifies an emulator . Hardware design documents, HDL code and software source Arkanoid_376970 Zorro Posts: 1045 Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:33 am Location: Sydney, Australia Age: 31 4. Minor version numbers were so “Kung Fu Flash can emulate different cartridge types, load PRG files and use D64 disk images. lwmwxrr vkfqt anzklhc mfl gygr xkkrsqwj dlxlk iihwz tpasiv mguyq pcjm hsqu obasf eejyfe sabdu