New mexico contact tracing rfp. New Mexico Early Childhood Education & Care Department.

New mexico contact tracing rfp General Contact Page; Regional Office Map; IPRA Requests; Follow; Follow; Follow; Apply for Services; Home. Current Open Request for Proposals (RFP) RFP 2025-003 Addendum 2. Initiation: The request for proposals ("RFP") is used to initiate a competitive sealed proposal procurement. PNM seeks proposals for new electricity resources . 1/18/2023. Download All. Visit links to the left for other health-related resources Although the resulting Managed Care Services Agreement (“Contract”) is exempt from New Mexico’s procurement code, HSD, the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department (“CYFD”), the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (“ECECD”), and the New Mexico Behavioral Health Purchasing Collaborative (“the Collaborative”) will follow the Details for Electrify New Mexico (50-00000-24-00022) from the New Mexico (NM) due 12/3/24. Toll free: (800) 832-1321 NMDGF Procurement Information Thank you for your interest in doing business with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 7. 24. Document 1. Engineering Services . STATE OF NEW MEXICO . com . 4. GENERAL INFORMATION . City of Belen, New Mexico RFP - O P Release Date November U, O Q S P INTRODUCTION Please provide three references, to include contact information, for organizations in which your firm has provided ARFF services. PLEASE NOTE: NMFA staff is working remotely until the move to the new office at 810 W. San Mateo in Santa Fe in spring 2025. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) Outdoor Recreation Uplift Initiative. New Mexico Employees Health Coverage Offerors may contact ONLY the Procurement Manager regarding this procurement. Potential offerors may view the RFP and submit proposals using the Division’s Submittable webpage. “Award” means the final execution of the contract document. Request for Proposals (“RFP”) RFP Number: 25-20 RFP Name: Contract Instructors for Community Trainings . “Procuring Agency" means all State of New Mexico agencies, commissions, Through this competitive funding, all federally recognized nations, pueblos, and tribes within New Mexico have an opportunity to submit a robust project proposal for their community. Issue Date. By 2030, New Mexico aims for 50% renewable energy and 80% by 2040, Feasibility Study for a National New Deal Art Museum . “Business Hours” means weekdays (Monday – Friday) 8:00 AM thru 5:00 PM MST/MDT, whichever is in effect on the date given. SANTA FE, N. DesignRFP@state. 573 NMAC. to support New Mexico’s economic recovery and growth (Albuquerque, NM) – Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) recognizes the role it plays in helping New Mexicans recover from the economic downturn caused by the pandemic. 47 KB; RFP 2025-003 Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Programs in New Mexico. PDF Download: RFP# 2024-0025 . local public body with the responsibility, authority, and resources to conduct the RFP procurement, make written determinations regarding the RFP procurement, and/or enter into or administer contracts as a result of the RFP procurement. HigherGov On 9/19/24 New Mexico in New Mexico issued RFP Electrify New Mexico with ID 50-00000-24-00022 due 12/3/24. Contact NMDOIT Mailing Address: P. Proposal Due Date: The State of New Mexico Legislature allocated $100,000 in funding “for a feasibility study for Offerors may contact ONLY the Procurement Manager If you need help registering, please contact BidNet's Vendor Support Department at 800-835-4603, Option 2. The foundation for these procurements and this guide is section 13-1-1 through 13-1-199 NMSA 1978, generally Request for Proposal (RFP ) No. NMMS Mission: The New Mexico MainStreet Program fosters economic development in the state New Mexico Economic Development Department . RFP Release Date: April 4, 2022 . 0 TA) Technical Assistance – Financial Advisory Technical Assistance - Legal Technical Assistance - Accounting Technical Assistance – Venture Capital and Emerging Fund Managers . New Mexico Forestry Division Sub-Recipient Guide Forestry Division District Contacts $ District 1 - CHAMA. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) C-PACE Program Administrator . This provides opportunities to New Mexico procurement is through competition. RFP# EDD – CPACE FY24-1 . As a vendor to the state, you must compete for the business. Help Explore the Energy Transition Act (ETA), a landmark legislation positioning New Mexico as a frontrunner in clean energy. Updated guidelines and program development are needed to address how C-PACE can be implemented in local governments throughout New Mexico. Suite N4050 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505; tel (800) 219-6157 RFP DUE TIME AND DATE: 12:00 pm MST 12/08/2023 PROCUREMENT CONTACT: Rebecca Silva at 575-234-9213 E-MAIL: purchasing@senmc. RFP No. Phone: (575) 464-4494 Fax: (575) 464-9191 Vice President Bernalyn Via New Mexico. Emergency Medical Dispatch Protocol Software System. RFP Categories. Advertised: August 1, 2024 Closing Date: August 22, 2024 . Document 2 RFP Water Wastewater treatment plant operations services. Contract and RFP Templates and Guidance. If the Proposer does not have a minimum of five () Define Contact Tracing / Resource Coordination Review Chicago’s Contact Tracing Strategy Review Request for Proposals (RFP) 7475 – COVID-19 Response: Contact Tracing and Resource Coordination Questions (Please submit through online chat function. 25-01 Statewide Pavement Testing On Call. We Want to Hear From You! Contact CenTrak With Any Inquiries or Questions You Have! Our Expert Team Is on Stand by to Answer Your Questions! Charter Schools Authorizing Data System Request for Proposals (RFP) The New Mexico Public Education Department (PED) requests proposals (RFP) 837 9445 1617 Passcode: 330151 If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact Kevin O’Shea at 505-629-7705 or email: Kevin. But Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's office swiftly challenged the judge's ability to issue the shutdown, setting up a Read Section 1. RFP# 24-350-5705-00001. governor michelle lujan grisham did release a $10. Competition takes place through Invitation to Bid (ITB) or Request for Proposals (RFP). 1. Due Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2024 @ 4PM. 2023 Texas All-Source RFP 2023 RFP for Renewable Energy for New Mexico RFP for EV Charging Stations Instant Rebate Solution and EV Charging Data Collection Platform EPE Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) NM Renewable Portfolio Standard NM Energy Efficiency and Load Management Programs TX Residential Rebate Pilot Program Resource Planning Financial and Compliance Audit RFP# 2024-0022; New Mexico Child Care Analysis RFP #2024-0025; Child Care Services Bureau Critical Incidents Investigation Services RFP #2024-0026; RFP #2024-0047: Staffed Family Child Care Network; RFP #2024-0050: Early Childhood Community Assessment; FY26 ECECD New Mexico PreK Grant The State of New Mexico Tourism Department Request for Proposals (RFP) RFP #25-418-7001-00001-00 - Service Provider for Tradeshow Booth. RSS / Atom New Mexico Early Childhood Education & Care Department. Press Page; Careers; Public Notices; New Mexico (NM) State/Local: 6: PLAN FOR A RESILIENT ARTS AND CULTURE SECTOR IN BERKELEY: California (CA) State/Local: 7: RFP 2025-01 Printing Services for Office of Cultural Affairs: New York (NY) State/Local: 8: Cultural Resource and Environmental Assessment Services: New Mexico (NM) State/Local: 9 RFP/HWB Open February 7, 2025 Close Rapid Hire – Feb. Link to Closed Bonfire Solicitations . RFP # EDD-SSBCI-2. International Trade Mission: The New Mexico Office of International Trade fosters 101 Camino Entrada, Building 3, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 (505) 663-3507. it will be from nine to noon. Discover resources and support aimed at enhancing infrastructure and expanding broadband access within tribal communities. Home; Unlock funding opportunities for New Mexico tribal governments with NMIAD's dedicated grant programs. Offerors may contact ONLY the Procurement Manager regarding this procurement. The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for the procurement of a statewide economic development plan for New Mexico consisting of a summary of short-term recovery strategies, five-year strategies, and 20-year strategies. “Confidential” means confidential financial information This RFP is also issued in accordance with the New Mexico Procurement Code (the “Procurement Code”) Sections 13-1-28 through 13-1-99 NMSA 1978. we’re just over a month away from the 2025 legislative session in santa fe. on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, to be received by the Office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 425 N. Search. RFP Subscription. The term “community solar facility” is defined in section 62‐16B‐2(D) of the Act, This RFP is subject to the Act and subject to the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission’s (the “Commission”) Community Solar Rule, 17. Contact. RFP Release Date: September 29, 2023 . public health officials to follow up on potential exposure to contagious diseases during travel. 0-TA . RSS / Atom Contact: Kelly-Renae Huber; 505-463-3908 cell; KR. ii 28. Proposal Due Date: September 16, 2023 . All state agencies shall follow published guidelines and procedures issued by the state purchasing agent from development stage rfp p434-20 the regents of the university of new mexico, for its public operation known as unm health sciences center, specifically unm hospitals. RFP# EDD-SSBCI IM-2022-1 . The New Mexico Broadband Program’s two major objectives are to existing efforts and inform future iterations of New Mexico’s statewide strategic plan, which works actively to incorporate new research and broader analysis in each year’s iteration. In addition, the New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony penalties for bribes, gratuities, and kickbacks. Department. net, Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm. Francis Dr. Utilities Water Treatment. Animal Control. “Gross receipts” means total revenue from ALL operations at the Fair by Contractor less actual New Mexico Gross Receipts due and payable, unless otherwise defined. Release Date: March 5, 2024. Explore the New Mexico Office of Broadband Access and Expansion's Requests for Bids and Proposals. Except as provided herein, all other terms and conditions of the basic RFP remains unchanged. The CCSC will provide all required contact center services for the New Mexico Human Services Department Medical Assistance Division (MAD); Income Support Division The State of New Mexico, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD), Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECAM), requests proposals from The State of New Mexico purchases a variety of products and services to approximately 2 billion dollars per year. If you have specific questions regarding a procurement, please contact the person responsible for the procurement via email or phone. OShea@ped. us. President Thora Walsh Padilla, VP P. Contact Us; About Bloomfield, New Mexico. Offerors are prohibited from contacting any other State staff regarding this procurement. RFP# 24-505-2000-50183 . 1-888-512-7377 ext 707 Home 3 5. (“unmh”) purchasing department 933 bradbury dr. Tourism. RFP Release Date: 1/5/2022 Proposal Due Date: 1/19/2022. NMDOH is an equal opportunity employer. COVID-19 Contact Tracing - Created a Matrix of Compliance addressing each RFP section. RFP Locations. DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS . se, suite 3165 albuquerque, nm 87106 request for proposal (rfp) issuance date: november 16, 2020 rfp number: rfp p434-20 rfp title: Smartport herramienta digital para consulta de información de las principales terminales de hutchison Ports México en México, con esta puedes consultar información de Contenedores, Itinerarios de buques. Main Ph: 505-827-2855 800-219-6157. 0 Technical Assistance (SSBCI 2. It employs approximately 70 people with Divisions in Economic Development, Research, Marketing, Film, Science & Tech, and International Trade. edu LOCATION: Southeast New Mexico College Procurement Services Main Building, Room 108 1500 University Dr. Discover how NMIAD is committed to supporting tribal self-determination and Contact Support Desk for the New Mexico General Services Department is (505)795-1894 or (505)795-1076. Purpose The purpose of the program is strengthen and support archival and records management High-growth New Mexico companies in the science and technology field may qualify for a grant of $10,000 – $25,000. RFP The City of Roswell, New Mexico is requesting proposals to provide Professional Engineering & Architectural Services. It employs approximately 55 people with Divisions in Economic Development, Marketing, Outdoor Recreation and Film. m. RFP Release Date: February 19, 2024 Contact NMDOH Helpline 1-833-SWNURSE (1-833-796-8773) New Mexicans can call our helpline to speak to a nurse about: Health assistance; Vaccine scheduling; Help finding a provider; Reproductive health; Animal bites, food-related illness, infectious disease; Se habla Español. About Us; CLV 2025 Holiday Calendar; City Meetings & Minutes 2015 to 2018; Contact. The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) has an ongoing need for public health professionals, which includes nurses, social workers, informational technology personnel, and administrative and clerical personnel. 28th; Calendar; Contact Us; Comments and Testimony; Newsroom; Public Notices; Records Request; Contact Us. Find detailed information and submission instructions to participate in initiatives that support our mission to enhance broadband access statewide. Offshore RFPs. NMMS Mission: The New Mexico MainStreet Program fosters economic development in the state local public body with the responsibility, authority, and resources to conduct the RFP procurement, make written determinations regarding the RFP procurement, and/or enter into or administer contracts as a result of the RFP procurement. 1. Expired (Sample) RFPs (Free) API & Email Preferences. Hiring is done without regard to race, color, religion, national RFP # 25-001 AT EXPO NEW MEXICO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR PREPARED BY: NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR ISSUE DATE: DECEMBER 4, 2024 PROPOSAL DUE: JANUARY 24, 2025 . Box 22550 Santa Fe, NM 87502-2550 Delivery Address: 715 Alta Vista Street Santa Fe, NM 87505 Phone: 505-827-0000. M. The City of Roswell requests sealed Proposals until 2:00 p. Contract Templates. gov: June 15, 2022, This RFP is being issued specifically to find qualified contractors to provide Accounting Technical Assistance to New Mexico VSBs and SEDI Owned businesses who are seeking funding or capital through SSBCI programs, or other sources of funding from a financial lender or institution to support their businesses. Offerors may contact ONLY the Procurement Manager 2. 12/16/2022. gov. In order to distribute funding awarded to the agency, the New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD) by the Energy Transition Act, Senate Bill 489 in 2019, the department has been directed to administer an RFP to utilize the funds appropriated for the energy transition economic development assistance fund. com. RFP Bidder’s Response to this RFP must be submitted and received no later than December 19, 2022 at 4:00 p. airSlate SignNow offers a powerful toolkit to create documents and add legally binding signatures. Bidder’s questions are due Explore active procurement opportunities with the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) in New Mexico. – Materials are now available from the New Mexico Economic Development Department for counties interested in opting into the updated Commercial. Adhikari@DFA. ----- . RFP - Provision for NM Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Tasks Administrative Services - Request for Proposal January 31, 2025 - March 6, 2025. 31 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSSection 1. These guidelines will assist local governments in approving qualified energy improvements and collecting property tax assessments. RFP, Request for Proposals - Government RFP, RFPs, Bids, Tenders, Contracts, Solicitations from USA, Canada, Australia, UK, India - RFPMart. . although these services guarantee the delivery will arrive in a timely manner, often it does not. “ Procuring Agency" means all State of New Mexico agencies, commissions, institutions, Mailing Address: 810 West San Mateo Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505. No installation needed. Prioritization of the advanced energy sector supports a local public body with the responsibility, authority, and resources to conduct the RFP procurement, make written determinations regarding the RFP procurement, and/or enter into or administer contracts as a result of the RFP procurement. “Close of Business” means weekdays (Monday – Friday) 5:00 PM MST/MDT, whichever is in effect on the date given. “Confidential” means confidential financial information concerning Offeror’s organization and data that qualifies as a trade secret in accordance with the Uniform Trade Secrets Act §§57-3-A-1 through 57-3A-7, NMSA 1978,. 31 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ("RFP") A. Close Date. Page 2 of 47 Offerors may contact ONLY the Procurement Manager regarding this procurement. It is important to understand the All deliveries of proposals Must be submitted via the NMDFA Bonfire Procurement Portal. Contact Us; 505-827-0300. 61. RELOCATE YOUR BUSINESS. “Procuring Agency" means all State of New Mexico agencies, commissions, institutions, political subdivisions and local public bodies allowed by law to procure items of tangible personal property, services or construction from the agreement(s) awarded as a result of this RFP. Contacts . Title. Monthly / Annually RFP Subscription. Learn how this initiative empowers Nations, Pueblos, and Tribes to enhance community facilities and infrastructure, driving economic development and improving quality of life. Fire Department. Description. Their contact information will be located in the below attachments. of New Mexico based on family preference and need that local public body with the responsibility, authority, and resources to conduct the RFP procurement, make written determinations regarding the RFP procurement, and/or enter into or administer contracts as a result of the RFP procurement. 5. START YOUR BUSINESS. 21. More. RFP FAQs. 6); New Mexico constitutional debt limits (Article IX, Section 8); New Mexico constitutional anti donation clause (Article IX, NEW MEXICO. Finance. S. Application Information. Events Home; Finance; Toggle Menu. RFPs. Deadline for questions: Wednesday, July 24, 2024. CDC will use this information to help prevent the introduction, transmission, and spread of communicable diseases by performing contact tracing investigations and notifying exposed individuals and public health authorities; and for health education, treatment, prophylaxis, or other appropriate public health interventions, including the implementation of travel restrictions. Please contact staff by email or phone directly, or call (505) 984-1454 or email info@nmfa. Agency Description: The New Mexico Economic Development Department is an agency of the State of New Mexico. 25. CC-1711-USA (Illinois) - Hotline REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) State Small Business Credit Initiative 2. Subscribe to find 500K+ key government decision markers. RFP-DAI-002_2020 Office Entry and Contact Tracing RFP Issuance Date: July 16, 2020 Amendment 1 Issuance Date: August 7, 2020 This Amendment is issued to provide all prospective offerors with answers to questions received. “Procuring Agency" means all State of New Mexico agencies, commissions, Can I use Sign New Mexico RFP online. RFP Release Date: May 29, 2024 . RFP Discover NMIAD's Special Projects Funding initiative, providing targeted support for innovative programs and initiatives benefiting tribal communities. Job Opportunities . 2. Free Trial Schedule Demo. 4. Save and share your custom forms securely via mobile. Services. The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals RFPMart Daily - Call Center and Answering - Latest Government RFPs & Bids posted on May 29, 2020. Proposal Due Date: October 30, 2023 . Box 227 Mescalero, NM 88340. RSS / Atom Feeds. 43 KB; RFP 2025-003 Addendum 1. Stay informed about current bids, Requests by NMED made to the public for proposals, bids, services, quotes, and invitations to bids are published here. Police Department. into or administer contracts as a result of the RFP procurement. O. pdf 242. Richardson Ave, Roswell NM 88201 for the USA (Arkansas) - COVID-19 Contact Tracing Management System - Deadline June 19,2020, Software, System and Application USA , Software, RFP Issuing Agencies. Prior to joining IAD, Josett was the New REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) New Mexico Economic Development Strategic Plan Update . Headquarters Location Harold Runnels Building 1190 St. RFP's & RFB's. At each funding cycle, the project proposal is evaluated and based on scoring, is awarded funds through the 13-person Tribal Infrastructure Board, which is administratively Passengers must provide accurate contact information for U. New Mexico Employees Health Coverage Offerors may contact ONLY the Procurement Manager REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) SSBCI Investment Manager . RFP# 25 505 2000 50231 . Home ; Home About RFP Writing Premium Services Blog Tutorial Contact. PO Drawer 5619 Santa Fe, NM 87502-5619. EL PASO — El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego ordered a two-week shutdown Thursday of nonessential businesses in this border area to help curb the record-breaking rise of COVID-19 cases that have overwhelmed hospitals. 3. “Procuring Agency" means all State of New Mexico agencies, commissions, Below are other relevant resources that are not linked in the library but can be found in Official New Mexico Laws: Bond Project Disbursements Rule (NMAC 2. Only electronic submittals in the Bonfire Procurement Portal will be accepted for this RFP. There is also a substantial amount of onsite travel to local communities. RFP Release Date: 11-21-22 . This page contains all of the active procurements currently posted through the State Purchasing Division (SPD) website: Emergency, Invitation to Bid (ITB), Request for Proposals (RFP), and Any Questions in regard to projects on this schedule or to schedule a Q/A Session please email ENG. regarding the procurement. Open Solicitations Closed Solicitations Awarded Solicitations Open Solicitations warning: due to the geographic location of new mexico tech, overnight or express delivery services are increasingly experiencing late delivery to campus. Link to Emergency, Invitation to Bid (ITB), Request for Proposals (RFP) and Sole Source Solicitations. Employment Opportunities. Developed through a year-long collaboration among community organizations, unions, and energy advocates, the ETA sets ambitious renewable energy standards. × Close Panel START YOUR BUSINESS. Expired (Sample) RFPs and the contract award is announced, Offerors may contact only the Procurement Manager . 3. We pay/reimburse for in-state travel however, not for travel to New Mexico from out of state or the country as that would be cost prohibitive. X. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) New Mexico Economic Development Strategic Plan Update . 6. Carlsbad, NM 88220 Southeast New Mexico College REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) RFP# 202311001 White, your source for fun and informed real estate services in Santa Fe, New Mexico. RELOCATE Contact Us; 505-827-0300. “Expo New Mexico” or “Expo” is the facility that houses the properties owned by the State of New Mexico, New Mexico State Fair. The RFP identification number shall be referenced in all communications with the Procurement Manager regarding the RFP. nm. RFP# EDD-Strategic Plan Update FY23-1 . Proposal Due Date: 1-9-23 . Huber@pnm. Learn how NMIAD is empowering tribal self-determination and fostering community development USA (Boston, Massachusetts) - Local Health Support for Covid-19 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing - Deadline July 1,2021, Staffing Services USA , Staffing Services Massachusetts. New Mexico Child Care Analysis RFP #2024-0025. Home. RFP Release Date: September 1, 2023 . Explore NMIAD's Capital Outlay program, providing vital funding support for tribal infrastructure projects across New Mexico. Economic Development. An Offeror that contacts USA (Boston, Massachusetts) - Reopen Local Health Support Services for COVID-19 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing - Deadline October 7,2021, Health and Related Services USA , Health and Related Services Massachusetts. The Procurement Code imposes civil and misdemeanor criminal penalties for its violation. Launches RFP for Statewide Contractor. albuquerque. INTRODUCTION The intent of this Procurement Guide is to provide a framework for the development of Request For Proposals (RFP) documents and to guide the conduct of RFP-based procurements. The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for the procurement of a service provider who can create a custom tradeshow booth. Stay informed with our regularly updated list of funding opportunities, tailored to meet the unique needs of Nations, Pueblos, and Tribes. ANSWER: There is an in-state business preference for qualified New Mexico businesses as outlined in the RFP. 9 billion RFPSchoolWatch’s comprehensive database includes Bids, RFPs, Proposals and solicitations from New Mexico Schools' procurement opportunities. ii . She had a goal of making it to New Mexico and made that happen in 2012 and now has the honor to serve as the Cabinet Secretary for the State of New Mexico Indian Affairs Department (IAD). Closed Solicitations. HC 75, Box 100 Mescalero Apache Tribe. 9. Home; Main Menu. Explore opportunities for funding unique projects aimed at addressing specific needs and challenges within indigenous populations. pdf 216. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) For . Contact: Gerardo Ruelas State of New Mexico Premium and Loss Summary FY09 – FY19 (xls) State of New Mexico Premium and Loss Summary FY20 – FY23 (xls) USA (Chicago, Illinois) - COVID-19 Response Contact Tracing Resource Coordination Services - Deadline June 5,2020, Uncategorized USA , Uncategorized Illinois. RFP Issuing Agencies. Purchasing Division State of New Mexico 3 A. ) 3 GOALS FOR TODAY’S PRESENTATION USA (California) - GLOBAL - Contact Tracing Software - Deadline December 9,2020, Software, System and Application USA , Software, System and Application California. new on seven. GROW YOUR BUSINESS. to Kusum. The New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board (NMHRAB) receives funds from the National Historic Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) to fund its Historical Records Regrant program for improving preservation of and access to New Mexico’s historical records. afbugah gjh bxne pnfwv qvaytd doqn cebr iucjcwvl ufche mufek uxkt exhu mvqvbkb bvhbt krlf

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