Owo bot commands emotes. Fun and helpful economy commands.

Owo bot commands emotes (Note: Only 3 quests will be available to complete, while the 4th one will be ‘’hidden’’; in other words it won’t be visible, but Battling is a major feature of OwO Bot, allowing you to battle against random players (PvE) for XP, or against your friends (PvP) for fun. : owo buy 1; this would buy a Common Ring. How many depends on the collectable. This command has no effect on the main game; it's a command that is completely for fun only. It can be obtained from manual hunting and battling. 🥇 has an OwO counting system with leaderboards. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server; Github; About the wiki; Side Projects of The Wolf is an animal which can be caught while Manual or Auto hunting in the OwO Bot. Although you can still use the owo zoo command to view all of the animals (including pets) that are in your Zoo, Disable a command in the current channel. Popular OwO Emoticons Some simple variations. Typically, sending a collectible will remove one from you and give two to the person you're sending it to, though some differ - such as Cake which will consume one but give anywhere from one to three. Some listed types may not work Example Command(s) owo pic neko , owo gif neko Related Command(s) owo gif, owo pic /emotes: Show all emojis in the server /emote add: Add an emoji to the server /emote delete: Delete an emoji from your server /emote rename: Rename an emoji in your server /emote big: Get a big version of your emoji /emote import: Import emojis to the server via . OwO Bot Pray for yourself or other users! Praying for yourself gives you 1 luck point, and praying for others users gives them 1 luck point, but you will lose one. Get user Obtaining []. , followed by which customization they are changing. Roll: do oworoll (amount) rolls an [amount] sided dice not adding a amount or owod20 roll a 6 sided or a 20 sided dice! Pika: doing owopika sends a image of a Pikachu Bell: the command owobell lets you test your strength by reacting with a bell emoji; it is not possible to reach 100 only the creator of the 🙂 Emotes; Links. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server; Github; About the wiki; applied if both partners claim their daily the same day and it only get's displayed when the second person does the command (but both get the reward). Depending on which face it lands (and the face the user has bet on), OwO will give the user an edited message saying either what money the user gained or if they "lost it all", along with a coin emoji. I just use Owo Bot for this as it has a "steal emoji" command Reply reply This command must contain a @mention and an amount You can use the Give command to send some Cowoncy to other users! You are not able to send cowoncy to yourself. You give one item and the other player will receive one (or more depending on the All commands start with "owo" or your server's prefix assigned with "owo prefix" and then a command or its aliases. ⏱️Efficiency This trait marks how many Animals are gained per hour while the Huntbot is Auto Hunting for players. 1 Uses. Changes: Always: L | R = W Only Lowercase: no = nu have | has = haz you = uu Only as standalone word: the = da In addition, the bot's response starts with one Command: Keep your streak going and you'll get more money each time. To play, click the 🔔emoji. Each 2024dec Love Letter 💌 is exclusive event item which is available for the Valentines 2023 (14-23 Feb). It is 1,000 cowoncy. You can only get them from the players who already have them. 005-0. Each 2024sept nerdturtle you caught was Collectibles are Patreon commands made by Patreon Supporters, subscribed to the Legendary tier. Misc fun reaction gifs and images. Fun and helpful economy commands. Being from the Common rank, the chances of finding one, (the "Drop Rate") is 11. A foul fish can be obtained by opening a Weapon Crate or by The Rare Ring is a ring used on OwO Bot to be married. Arguments are user inputs such as tagging a Browse through the best owo Emojis for use on platforms like Discord, Slack, Twitch & more! Discadia has the best library of owo emojis for you to use. A Foul Fish is commonly used as a Attacker within a non-meta team. A 2024dec mrelephant could be obtained by either manual or auto hunting during the special event of 12 - 19 December 2024 to celebrate The December 2024 Holidays. Aliases are just other words that cause the command to activate. A 2024aug maki could be obtained by either manual or auto hunting during the special event of 1 - 8 August 2024 to celebrate The August 2024 Holidays. Almost all To cancel a proposal, players must add the prefix “owo” followed by an emote command, such as “owo dance” or “owo blush. OwO Top Global 25 Public; OwO Collectibles; Bet your money in the lottery! The more money you bet, the higher the chance to win! The lottery ends at 12am PST everyday! Lottery is a command in Gambling. When this occurs, a new Obtaining []. More posts you may like Related Discord Voice chat Instant owo is a discord bot for the rhythm game osu! It includes features like checking profiles, checking top plays, screenshot detection, tracking players' top scores, and much more! Popular Slash Commands /fun. OwO Top Global 25 Public; OwO Collectibles; All Commands; Features. Generally used to troll, it's popular with furries and other role players. When you first begin OwO and the zoo is empty, there will be no animals in it and where the animal symbols should be, there will be question marks. for instance: owo math pickRandom(["pizza","icecream","coffee"]). OwO Top Global 25 Public; OwO Collectibles; "The OwO Bot's Emoji command enables Discord users to steal an emote that has been posted within the previous 10 messages in the chat. Start your journey with hundreds of emotes and features that enhance your chatting experience. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server All Commands; Features. ). double Daily rewards)! Player can purchase a ring from the Shop and propose to another player using the ring's ID (owo marry @username {ring ID}). Usually the creator of the command has an infinite Description []. 🎖️ Rankings; 💰 Economy; 🎲 Gambling Obtaining []. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server; Github; I got banned from owo bot and servers for exchanging cowoncy with things outside of the server i didnt know the rules and i All Commands; Features. ” Owo Bot is a fun and interactive game that offers interactive games and lively commands. A eagle can be obtained by either manual or Lootbox. " So basically 1. . When your team battles an opponent, each animal has two options! They can either 1. OwO Top Global 25 Public; OwO Collectibles; So playing bots which have a short cooldown on commands mightn't be Bell is the custom command made by Geist by being a Mythical Patreon supporter in August 2019. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord 3m Present is exclusive event item which is available for the event of OwO reaching 3 Million servers (May). Cursing yourself will make you lose one luck point and cursing someone else will make them lose one but you'll gain one. You can have a maximum of 4 quests on you at once. A 2024dec christmasreindeer could be obtained by either manual or auto hunting during the special event of 12 - 19 December 2024 to celebrate The December 2024 Holidays. Within this server, users must type the command. an open lootbox, revealing the gem received Obtaining []. Description I shall define thy word! Example Command(s) owo define tsundere gif. kittens﹕ ୨💜 "many guns" The Eagle is an animal which can be caught while Manual or Auto hunting in the OwO Bot. gg to gain Cowoncy, and an equal chance to get either a lootbox or a weapon crate, every 12 hours. This command is used if you don't want certain commands or owo to be in some channels of your server. Browse our selection of 85 owo emojis that are perfect for use on platforms like Discord, Twitch, Slack, and many more! command to Grab a Quest every day! (Grabbing a quest is a task on the checklist) Complete them to earn rewards!You also have one quest re-roll per day! You can earn a new quest after 12am PST. After 10 minutes you can recall the hb with "owo piku Screenshot showing an example of the owo pet dialog. OwO Bot hit 3 million users, it's time to celebrate! This item was given Monthly the Events Team here at the OwO Bot Wiki will run Events to challenge our readers and wiki editors for fun. Once you have made your selection at the Shop, you can purchase your item with the Buy command. "A fabulous frog, that with a little luck will turn into a prince after you kissed him" The Frog is an animal which can be caught while Manual or Auto hunting in the OwO Bot. Each row of the table links to a sub-page providing more details about each Trivia Quiz Event. ee/aulia. They have no effect/impact on the main OwO game. Vote on Top. Animals are a major feature of OwO Bot. OwO Top Global 25 Public; To check how many Weapon Shards you have, use the command owo weaponshards or owo ws. 2 Weapon Shop; n command is used, OwO will send a message along with a . It is a Special rank animal and it can be trained as a pet so that it can “Just a very large kitty” The Tiger is an animal which can be caught while Manual or Auto hunting in the OwO Bot. lootbox, as shown in inventory. Items have to be bought 1 by 1. Aliases cuddle, hug, kiss, lick, nom, pat, poke, slap, stare, highfive, bite, greet, punch, handholding, tickle, kill, hold, pats, wave, boop, s The OwO Bot's Emoji command enables Discord users to steal an emote that has been posted within the previous 10 messages in the chat. kittens﹕ ୨💜୧ twitch : auliakittens﹕ ୨🌙୧ omlet arcade : aulia. It is a Fabled rank animal and it can be trained as a pet so that it can go out 🙂 Emotes; Links. Being from the All Commands; Features. Leveling is a new system for the bot. You can also buy a custom command by itself for 100$ (without the 25$ custom pet) by messaging the creator, Scoot. A 2024dec christmasbee could be obtained by either manual or auto hunting during the special event of 12 - 19 December 2024 to celebrate The December 2024 Holidays. With its growing popularity, it i 🙂 Emotes; Links. To complete your checklist you need to vote. Contents. There are 16 items which you could get: Special Common gem - each 7% chance Special Players of the OwO Bot can marry other OwO players and receive a Weapon Crate or Lootbox and doubled Cowoncy (aka. https://linktr. The user bets their money for the chance to earn the total money Date Type Details; 27-Aug-2019: add: Level command has been added to show off your level! Leveling up will give you extra rewards! Leveling Info. 0. The user will earn 2x the they bet from winning. Choose is the custom command made by PandaDasKissen for being Mythical Patreon Supporter in February 2020. Previously users would do this with the math command. In OwO Bot it is important to remember that all Pets are Animals, but not all animals are pets!Once a wild animal has been caught, added to a team, and used for hunting or battling at least once, it will become your pet. The first time you vote you get 100 cowoncy, then 3 Cowoncy is added to the reward each time you vote afterwards. Keep track of your OwOs and compete globally! Hunt for animals and fight other users! 🙂 Emotes; Links. Get user's most recent plays. Players can purchase the Rare Ring using the ring's command owo buy 3. You can only get them from other users. Each bee you catch is worth 1 Zoo Point. The maximum amount of Animals that can be obtained for a fully leveled Efficiency trait is 240 per hour at Efficiency level 215. Guides on any subject The Foul Fish is a weapon used for battling in the OwO Bot. You also get a crate or lootbox! Gives 1x Weapon Crate or 1x Lootbox per day. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server; Github; About the wiki; Obtaining []. /recent. There isn't a limit to the increase of cowoncy every vote. There can be up to three pets on a team at once without duplicating animals. OwO’s primary commands are the ones regarding animals, which you can hunt down, sell, sacrifice, and battle against others! This is a list of all Custom Commands which aren't Collectables or Mini games. For owo Discord bot we currently have help message previews, 2 bot commands and 0 slash commands. It can be equipped on a pet to improve battle outcomes, or sold for Cowoncy, or dismantled for Weapon Shards. Being a legendary Patreon gives you the opportunity to create a custom command. Right click an emote then click save image if it doesn't show up click copy link and paste the link into a browser and save it that way Reply reply XGN_Moonless • If you have Nitro and Carl-bot you can do ?steal :dot: and that works for me Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . /profile. Contents All Commands; Features. To steal an emoji, users must have a server that they are an admin or owner of that the bot has Here is the list of commands! For more info on a specific command, use owo help {command} Rankings top my Economy claim cowoncy daily give quest buy shop checklist Animals ab The emotes command in the owo bot is made by the user to express themselves. Use their weapon. Training Reaction bot is the best utility bot for OwO - stats, zoo calculator, reminders, quest system, and much more! reminders for owo commands. If you give a collectable to another user you will lose one and the other user will gain multiple of them. General - addbot avatar botinfo changelog contact donate emotes help ping serverinfo userinfo You can always get more help on the command list of owo by visiting their support server or their website: Support Includes the benefits from the previous tiers (excluding a customized command). A 2024sept nerdturtle could be obtained by either manual or auto hunting during the special event of 1 - 8 September 2024 to celebrate The September 2024 Holidays. You can only get 3 per day and 1 extra if you are married in OwO. OwO Top Global 25 Public; OwO Collectibles; Huntbot Traits []. To list all the types, type 'owo gif'. 🎖️ Rankings; 💰 Economy; 🎲 Gambling; 🎱 Fun; 🎭 Social; 😂 Meme Generation; 🙂 Emotes; Links. Obtaining []. Being from the Special rank, the chances of finding one, (the "Drop Rate") varies between special events, and this one was 0. Note: Daily claim time resets everyday at 12AM PDT Patreon commands do not have an influence on the main game and have been created by users who bought Mythical tier or higher Patreon (50 USD+). Not to be confused with UwU, which is more innocent and smug, check out our UwU Meme Face Emoticons page. All Commands; Features. ” The bot generates a text followed by a gif, with examples including “owo dance” and “owo sleepy. Keep track of your OwOs and compete in your server, globally, or against other servers! The zoo is where all of the animals that you have hunted can be viewed. . Aliases gif, pic Description Grabs a gif/pic with the given type. The bot itself has a variety of amusing, social commands which add a fun aspect to your experience on discord. Cowoncy: This command will help you check In this 2500+ word ultimate guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about effectively using OwO commands and unlocking the bot‘s full potential across Discord servers. You can use the command owouse 22 to open the . 1. 05% for all OwO players. Invite me! © 2022 OwO Bot. Ideal pets: HedgeBot, Wolf, Collectibles are items that are simply meant to be collected. They can be caught while Manual or Auto hunting, and some are exclusively only available to Patreon subscribers. To steal an emoji, users must have a server that they are an admin or owner of that the bot has been added to. OwO’s OwO is a discord bot created by discord user @scuttler. g. kittens ╭・୨🌙୧ Instagram : aulia. Wallpapers are available in the OwO Shop in exchange for Curses are the opposite of Pray, and they don't have an effect on the game either. 67% for Patreon players. I'm OwO Bot! A Discord Bot that can make your server fun and interactive! Hunt, battle, and gamble your way to the top of the leaderboards. When you have at least 10 carrots left in your garden you can send a piku hb, command "owo piku hb". All rights OwO is a discord bot created by discord user @scuttler. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server; Github; All Commands; Features. To check the different wallpapers before you buy them, type: Obtaining []. /osuset. Gambling involves using cowoncy to bet on a coin-flip, slots, a hand of blackjack, or entering the lottery (entering the lottery doesn't count towards gambling quests). Each 2024dec mrelephant you caught was "Happy Diwali everyone! I hope i look good today :3~May this day bring prosperity and joy in your lives~ psst, keep check on those snacks!"Art drawn by @trip_tHoliday pet created on November 2024 Holidays! The 2024nov diwaliOwO is an animal that can be caught while Manual or Auto hunting in the OwO Bot. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server; Github; About the wiki; Side Projects of the Wiki. Same goes for cursing, neither actually affect Only pinging one player ships you and the person you pinged. Rings and wallpapers are bought by cowoncy, and weapon crates and weapons are bought by weapon shards. View your current wallpapers! Use the command owo wp and equip them by reacting on the wallpaper emoji. 1 There are two methods of rerolling; 1. Download the Official 7TV Extension or other 3rd party tools. Only the creator of the command, Geist can hit 100! 🙂 Emotes; Links. OwO Top Global 25 Public; OwO Collectibles; OwOify your text! You can also just type 'owo owoify' to OwOify the message above yours! This command changes certain letters and words. A Leeching Scythe is commonly used as an Attacker within a blitz team. The command cooldown is 5 minutes. Where can I find owo Emojis? Find the best owo emojis right here at Discadia. :) Outside of the owobot lottery, big clans that you can find on the leaderboards(owo top guild or 🙂 Emotes; Links. There may be further information Example Command(s) owo 8b Am I cute? define. To view the Rare Ring and the other rings in shop use the command owo shop. There are 56 wallpapers in the Shop to purchase. The creator of Owo Bot is discord user scuttler#0001. Note that once you purchase a wallpaper from the shop, you cannot sell it. To view or buy wallpapers from the Shop, use the command owo shop wp. ⏳Duration This trait increases the amount of time that the Huntbot auto-hunts for, and enhances the other The Shrimp is an animal which can be only while Manual hunting in the OwO Bot. The goal of blackjack is to get the Gambling Gambling involves using cowoncy to bet on a coin-flip, slots, a hand of blackjack, or entering the lottery. Lootboxes can be obtained from claiming Daily, Votes, Quests, leveling up Profiles, and a 5% chance to get one out of three each day from random hunts (first hunt will always give you one), as a player's Checklist will show. You need to battle and get 3 Weapon Crates to complete the daily Checklist. An example of this is the owo pizza command created by Cosmonaut#0797. Praying doesn't do anything but increase the number of luck points for leaderboard/flex. Animals: ab The OwO Bot game in Discord is text-based it is summoned by typing the letters 'OwO', and requires you to type in some simple commands in the Discord app interface's text entry box. These pets can be equipped with Weapons that are obtained through opening Weapon Crates. zip file /emote export: Export all emojis /stickers: Show all stickers in the Obtaining []. All the user has to do is add a owo followed by an emote command and the owo bot will generate a text followed by a gif. 77% for regular OwO players, or 11. Define some user settings. 👁👄👁 OwO Owo owO ÓwÓ Gamble your money away in blackjack! You can hit or stand by reacting with emojis! If the command stops responding, retype the command to resume the game! Blackjack is one of the command in Gambling category. owo's default prefix is ">". OwO Top Global 25 Public; OwO Collectibles; Description []. A Leeching Scythe can be obtained by opening a Weapon Crate or by purchasing one from the Copying emotes from other servers into one you own is no better than just staying in that server, it also is more work in the end anyways. The ID of an item can be found to the left of them in the shop. Commands are not case sensitive and you a space is optional for the after the prefix, but not optional for arguments. Currently we have help message previews, 2 bot commands and 0 slash commands for owo Discord bot. It is a Gem rank animal and it can be trained as a pet so that it can go out and hunt or battle for you. All Animals can be trained as pets so that they can go out and hunt or battle for you. STEP 1: Add Leaderboards for how many times you said 'OwO'! Compete against your guild, globally, or against other guilds! Hunt for animals and fight other players with them! Commands Owo bot emoji/emote commands. You hear a bustling bee hive overhead brimming with activity! This item was given out on June 2023. A 2024nov tiago could be obtained by either manual or auto hunting during the special event of 1 - 8 November 2024 to celebrate The November 2024 Holidays. Depending on lag, the coin will stop in some time, and face either Heads or tails. This harvests 10 carrots, but only gives 5. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server requirements of regular articles in the articlespace of the OwO Bot Wiki. The Leeching Scythe is a weapon used for battling in the OwO Bot. A tiger can be obtained by either manual or auto hunting. They don't appear in your inventory and must be checked individually via their own command. Then it will give a random number between 0-99. A profile's title and about me sections make statements about who the user is and what they would like to say about themselves. BlackBlood Lilly Download . By talking on discord, you will get 10-15 xp every minute! There are a lot of different collectables and most of them duplicate when being traded with another user (owo [name of the collectable] @user). OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server The table below provides links to information about "Cookie" as posted in the #changelog channel of the OwO Bot Support server on Discord. It is an Epic rank animal and it can be trained as a pet so that it can go out and hunt or battle for you. Upon proposing All Commands; Features. All weapons that are equipped to a pet on a team stays with that pet until equipped to a new animal. Note that once a ring is used to marry another user, it cannot be reused or sold upon divorce. Physical damage is calculated by By Umer Asad / Last Updated on: February 14, 2024Owo Bot is a fun discord bot that offers a range of interactive games as well as lively and cool commands that make it popular among those looking for a good time. Lootboxes contain Gems that can be used to enhance Hunting. We don't know what pets are good to use on the Rune of Celebration yet, but most likely a Tank with high resistance stats and some HP. 📜 has a an automatic quest system - managing quests is now way easier. A bee can be obtained by either manual or auto hunting. As you hunt, you will unlock more and more animals. Deal physical damage or 2. 🙂 Emotes; Links. OwO Bot Wiki Animals All Animals • Animals • Auto Hunting • Battling • Experience Points • Gems • Hunting • Lootbox • Manual Hunting • Pets • Roles • Stats • Status Effects • Team • Weapon Crate • Weapons • Zoo Points Pridehive is exclusive event item which was available for the Pride month 2023 (June). Each 2024aug maki you caught was worth 500 Zoo Point. There are different sets of commands, grouped The Gorilla is an animal which can be caught while Manual or Auto hunting in the OwO Bot. You can list multiple commands to disable multiple at once. The rune of celebration is a weapon used for battling in the OwO Bot. You can also disable a whole group. Each 2024nov tiago you caught was worth 500 On this page you can find lots of OWO emoticons to quickly copy and paste into your tweets and posts. It is a Fabled rank animal and it can Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? 🙂 Emotes; Links. On weekends you earn bonus Cowoncy of equal Players can set Animals that have been caught through Hunting as Pets on a team to be used for Battling. OwO Bot Support (OBS) Discord server; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server; Github; OwO Bot Wiki (OBW) Discord server; Github; About the wiki; Side Projects of the Wiki. E. OwO Top Global 25 Public; OwO Collectibles; The command isn't owo sell but owo dismantle. Each 2024dec christmasbee you caught was All Commands; Features. These commands are used to express emotions such as blushing, cry, happiness, dance, scoff, etc. It is a Fabled rank animal and it can be trained as a pet so that it can go out and hunt or battle for you. sjr qjncebx ftcaxe dqny juxv yjkyay kgxbues ltzwb imrnu wqbm uiht zxrqq nybir uvtdc jkm