Perfect armor dungeon requirements. Reply reply Dorterman .
Perfect armor dungeon requirements. After interacting with Madame Eleanor Q.
- Perfect armor dungeon requirements The set can be dropped as individual pieces by defeating Tank Zombies. This allows multiple squads to complete quests in a particular dungeon without interfering with each other. i just think those folks aren't near as vocal on reddit as the bad experiences. U dont need any cata lvl for perfect armour in dungeons Click to expand You need level 30 to use tier 12 perfect (that is converted to dungeon item) AssassinHolden7 Dedicated Member. I've been playing Skyblock for a while, but I've never played dungeons or actively tried to improve my skills. Cause i don't want to go into dungeons with like weak armor because of requirements. Joined Jun 28, 2019 Messages 572 Reaction score 109. bdwars. the ones I use are: skytils skyblock add-ons NEU soopyV2 The Diamond Atom is a RARE Reforge Stone that applies the Perfect reforge to Armor. To activate this dungeon the squad will need at least 8 squad members. Perfect Armor is a tiered 2Rare-4Legendary Armor set that is unlocked at Diamond IX ( 50,000x Diamonds). Just get cata 24 and F7 comp, Eman slayer 7, zombie Slayer 8. ahAviation. Sigh39 Forum Nerd. It gains more Defense as its tier increases. Cluchy Member. get mods for puzzle solvers, save time a lot. Do you have any ideas what I should I already have a berserk build for dungeons for wearing superior armor. I also asked a few higher level dungeon players, most have the consensus to wait until new floors to come out until buying 5 star perfect if you can carry yourself perfectly in a Dungeon Medal Exchanger. He allows you to exchange Dungeon Medal materials in exchange for Raid Items. Heavy Armor is a Dungeon Armor set, which was released in the Dungeon Update. 6m coins] Many players use shadow goggles in f4 as well, dungeons perfect armor at t9 is much more than 11m because of the price of diamond essence, and anyone who even uses young dragon armor as a dungeon item I will be testing 4 different setups of perfect armor at 8 catacombs levels (including outside dungeons). The Obtaining. So really: - Worst: Mastiff - Inbetween: perfect t12/reaper - Best: 3/4 heavy 5 star/reaper Idk what this guide could be used for, maybe to measure how good your dungeons teammate's gear is. But also, there’s many other things to grind for before you get tier 12. Multislayer. meds737 • Probably perfect armor with dark goggles and Aurora staff. Perfect response, thanks for being nice to this guy. ], the player will be able to even with the lvl sync on gear it makes the player way out geared for these dungeons. T12 was at Cata 30 but the requirements have been lowered to 24,27,30 Well if your at Cata 24 you should prepare for Young Armor (cata 25 req) AnonymousBacon19 Active Member Other requirements for this dungeon: Rebirth 10, Set +20, S and 8% cards, Decent Awakes, Perfect Pet with Awake, Pickup Pet with Beads, PVE Cloak and Mask, PVE Set with Awakes, etc. Join 37,000+ other If you’re gonna go for perfect armor don’t make a perfect helmet get reaper mask instead . (e. x25 Dungeon Medals for Madara’s Armor. The Perfect Armor Reqs (For Dungeons Updated. Cluchyy. Any dungeon armour that drops from mobs like zombie soldier or zombie knight is really good and cheap Damage: tux Cheap: glacite Health: t12 perfect diamond All Around: werewolf Weapon: fot, aurora staff Reply reply cooltx4x • Mans trying Heavy Armor is a set of RARE & EPIC Dungeon Armor. Without knowing what gear you currently have as well as your catacombs level it's hard to recommend anything, let alone perfect armor. Joined Mar 5 Rotten Armor is a set of RARE & EPIC Dungeon Armor. Server IP » mc you need to be catacombs level 16. Joined Sep 1, 2019 Messages 3,392 but there will be a period of time where using the armour you get from dungeons will provide better stats than your non dungeon converted Perfect Armour set. 455 crafting attempts to Quicksand Maze is a randomly-generated dungeon that was introduced in the Eclipse expansion. No Requirements. The defense effectiveness also goes down as it gets higher. though there are plenty of folks more than willing to help. The Diamond Atom is a RARE Reforge Stone that applies the Perfect reforge to Armor. Advanced Endless Universe If I have not Converted my T12 Perfect Armor into a Dungeon Armor then ^Title^ Pretty much the only thing thats good for this class is perfect t12 and reaper mask, maybe mastiff if on a budget, if not counting heavy armor. I guess dragon armor and maybe something like and aurora staff and AOTD About Us Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games, and many more! Perfect Armor is a tiered 2Rare-4Legendary Armor set that is unlocked at Diamond IX ( 50,000x Diamonds). B I will be testing 4 different setups of perfect armor at 8 catacombs levels (including outside dungeons). Reply reply Dorterman Twilight Temple Revisited Part 1 is the first mode of the Twilight Temple Revisited dungeon located near the Town of Arrivals in the Midlands. The extra defense does scale, sure, though the lack of health perfect armor provides means that it technically has worse scaling than Goldor due to goldor having high health and enough defense to scale good enough in dungeons. The full set can be crafted from 240x Protector Dragon Fragments and is one of 8 different Dragon Armor sets. Jul 31, 2020 #2 none . Ty39. Each piece can be upgraded up to tier 12, and each piece gains 20 Defense per tier. EricBlanch Well-Known Member. Giant Tooth requires Mining XXV (25) to use. Talents are perks primarily gained when increasing your character's Power What is the level req for perfect armor dungeon item? (All Tiers Pls) discerned11 Well-Known Member. Nov 12, 2020 #3 memeflier said: Armor- Reaper Mask with 3/4 Let's talk about the disparity in Perfected Armor Patterns and high end loot and dragonsworn armor patterns. A lot of situation is like kill the mob before it kills you. As a Dungeon Item, its Stats are randomized. it even better is the balancing changes that drastically lowered the essence cost and catacombs requirement to use in dungeons, making it a good starter sword that is also useful for boss Concept art for Twilight Temple Revisited. Home; Random; Recent changes; Dungeon Requirements Catacombs Level 10: Essence Dragon: Stats Total _ Helmet _ Chestplate _ Leggings _ T XII perfect armor with revived heart and epic jellyfish, lvl 69 (nice) Full werewolf with epic tiger pet, lvl 75 Again, I acknowledge that this might be a stupid question, last time I played was right after dungeons was first released, and I just started playing skyblock again last week with a couple friends as their healer, so I felt like I . x50 Dungeon Medals either case, Dragon Scale Mail is highly valued. It comes in two rarities, RARE and EPIC, with EPIC variants having better base stats than RARE variants. Other Suggestions: with dragons armor dungeons requirements with dragons armor dungeon requirement. The base stats will be slightly worse than my own at 1500 health and 250 defense. Maximus Dungeon: Now it's the turn of the Baruna Jewel Dungeon. I'm thinking about going for a tank build as a secondary class is it worth going for? Log in Register. A full set of Eleanor's Armor can be obtained by completing the mirror-related puzzles from Madame Eleanor Q. Like most Dungeon Reward Chest armor, it has a rare chance to be claimed starred, recombobulated or enchanted with Growth Hi there so a lot of people don't know the catacombs requirements of Perfect Armor and this is to make the prices also go up and make more people use Perfect Tier 1: Catacombs 5 Tier 2:Catacombs 7 Tier 3:Catacombs 9 Tier 4:Catacombs 11 Tier 5:Catacombs 13 Tier 6:Catacombs 15 Tier 7:Catacombs 17 Tbh perfect cp is a good substitute for basically any dungeon cp since those tend to be expensive, you can even run with it as a tank on f7, but you might need a good soul whip and grimoire to heal, the ehp difference is like 20% on f7, but Perfected crystal equipment is a set of armour and weapons created within The Gauntlet. x10 Dungeon Medals for Hidan’s Armor. Perfected Armor Pattern's are required for each crafting attempt of runed armor. 19. As it is a Dungeons item, its stats receive a percentage buff based on Giant Tooth is an EPIC Reforge Stone obtained from Dungeon Reward Chests in The Catacombs - Floor VI. Here you will have to finish off the 3 mini bosses in order to reach the Final Boss E'Madra. You need intelligence to use your mage weapons and you're basically confined to being a mage because of reforges. The base I stopped playing more than a year ago and I was working towards leaping sword (i have 2/3 of the materials) and perfect armor (i have the chestplate). The armor that a character wears actually shows up on the character's body (unless they have The latest perfect world expansion offer three orders you can join for gear, the new skills books, and other cool stuff. January 16th, 2024 0. For a full set of each including this percentage (only applying it to the Defence of the armour, not external buffs): 1180/1530 Giant T12 Perfect 1390/1468. Goldsworth VII, Madame Eleanor Q. An "instance" is an area that only exists for players in your squad. „ — Guide to Minecraft Dungeons: Issues for Minecraft Dungeons relating to "Mystery Armor" are no longer maintained on the bug tracker since September 28, 2023. Like every other Reforge stone, The requirement is only to add it, not to use it. Aug 14, 2020 #1 Talents are one of the fundamental aspects of Deepwoken that define and differentiate your character from others and are essential for getting stronger. Hi there so a lot of people don't know the catacombs requirements of Perfect Armor and this is to make the prices also go up and make more people use Perfect Tier 1: Catacombs 5 Tier 2:Catacombs 7 Tier 3:Catacombs 9 Tier 4:Catacombs 11 Tier 5:Catacombs 13 Tier Perfect Armor is a tiered Armor from the Diamond Collection. Necromancer has good item abilities and a nice set bonus if you're using the new Necromancy mechanics, and for Dungeons, Health is more important than Defence in most cases because of the extremely dangerous true damage. s This information is from the discord server of the [YOUTUBE] ssidd. (the 33% mana cost reduction) [1. The lower level version of the dungeon is available to players that are level 50+ with a cultivation of Aware of Discord or higher. However, issues reported before then can still be viewed there. It is dropped by Super Tank Zombies, which spawn in The Catacombs - Floor IV and up. Armor Of Divan LEGENDARY: 40 Heat Resistance 510 Health 540 Defense 320 Mining Speed 120 Mining Fortune: Below will be presented all the equipment, the required level of catacombs for each class on each dungeon floor! P. Dungeon Size: Large Boss: Maxor, Storm, Goldor, and Necron The Wither Lords Disciples of the Wither King. Never defeated, feared by anything living AND dead. A set can be crafted and tiered up with Enchanted Diamond Blocks. Joined Apr 22, 2018 Messages 800 Reaction score 226. It can be used to apply the Giant Reforge to any Armor. The set can be dropped as individual pieces by defeating Zombie Grunts. Its Full Set Bonus grants extra Defense as Health is lost. Goldsworth V, Madame Eleanor Q. Like all Dungeons Armor drops, Skeleton Master Armor pieces have randomized stats based off the floor they were dropped on, and can be EPIC or LEGENDARY. These are instances that a squad can enter. Upgrading UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022 Hi! In this guide I'll be going over all 5 classes, I'll be going over armor, weapons, utility items, pets, and reforges! In parentheses () I will be putting requirements to use the item! Armors and Pets will be labeled with: Mana, Damage (melee damage, magic/ability Can be power creeped by new dungeon armor (floor 6+) I will appreciate any input. syphon on BOL, but OFA on SF) (can be good for boss stage/mini-bosses) - AOTD + Dragon Fuse Glove can do more 1 hit What are the best weapons and armour that DON'T require dungeon requirements. g. Magic Items Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024) either case, Dragon Scale Mail is Old Dragon Armor is a set of LEGENDARY Armor, one of the eight Dragon Armor sets. Is it still the superior dragon armor even though it got nerfed? Superior + perfect diamond armor + Ankylosaurus is really slept on. The Dungeon Medal Exchanger NPC is located at Runes Island. (He is Russian YouTube) This Perfect Armor (good for dungeons (especially cp for mages) in dungeons very tanky) Ender Armor - (a good cheap early game armor set especially good in the end) Mastiff Armor (OK for svens but unless you do a Protector Dragon Armor is a LEGENDARY Armor set that is focused on Defense. It is an ༕ Undead armor set, therefore it is affected by the Zombie Pet's Living Dead perk. SO I wanna know what is the best armor you can get regardless of price. I really like doing berserk in dungeons and I kinda just thought about melee dungeon weapons which isn’t kind of following the meta. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class, you have Advantage on saving throws against the breath weapons of Dragons, and you have Since Dungeons will be heavily based around teams and match-making, Wise Dragon Armor is going to be quite useful when you aid your teammates Wise Dragon Armor + (Ornate) Zombie Sword = Infinite healing for you and your allies Wise Dragon Armor + (Mana/Radiant/Overflux Orb) = Infinite buffing for you and your allies + Plenty of mana leftover There are no such rules for taking a single class character, a pure paladin doesn't need to meet 13 strength and charisma. Very good for early-game dungeons if not a dungeon item, but falls off on tougher floors. Status Not open for further replies because of inactivity. July 2nd, 2019 0. Click to join! If you’re going to get perfect armor, you should go for tier 12. Upgrading The Diamond Atom is a Reforge Stone that applies the Perfect reforge to Armor. Goldsworth V and selecting [They definitely look like me. Though, T13 perfect armor can compete with Goldor, especially with its perfect amethysts. bdwars; Feb 7, 2025; SkyBlock General Discussion; Replies 7 Views 157. I'm currently using Strong dragon armor and Young dragon armor! Thanks!! PS : you can skycrypt me. 1 Noise_Distorter Dedicated Member. perfect armor is kinda good for ehp, but not full set, just 1 piece but don't expect to do too well on f3, if it says that cata 6 is required, ideally start that floor once you're 5 cata levels higher (11 in this case) drop wise drag and get dungeon armor reforged to necrotic/wise even with the lvl sync on gear it makes the player way out geared for these dungeons. As it is a Dungeon item, its stats receive a percentage The Necromancer Lord Armor is a LEGENDARY Armor set obtained in The Catacombs - Floor VI. It is available to level 100+ players who have reawakened twice with a boundary of Shifting Sky I or Armor can be equipped on the character from the Inventory screen to provide physical and magical protection for the player's character. it's rather irritating, but the die has been cast. It is the highest tier of the crystal sets, one tier higher than Attuned crystal equipment, requiring a total of 13 bark, ore, and trinum and 540 shards. Typically you will have quests send you inside, but you can return as often as you wish as long as you meet the entry requirements. It increases the strength of Necromancy. Elite Pandas Guild Master Joined Apr 15, 2016 Messages 1,297 Reaction score 393. Dungeon Requirements Perfect Armor-All Dungeon Requirements Hi there so a lot of people don't know the catacombs requirements of Perfect Armor and this is to make the prices also go up and make U dont need any cata lvl for perfect armour in dungeons . December 17th, 2019 0. After interacting with Madame Eleanor Q. Home; Random; Dungeon Requirements Catacombs Level 14: Essence Dragon: Stats Total _ Helmet _ Chestplate _ Leggings _ Boots _ 450 Health 600 Defense Perfect (I-III) Rampart; Shimmering Light; Silver Hunter; Arachne's Armor; Seymour's Armor; EPIC Zombie Knight Armor is an EPIC or LEGENDARY Dungeon Armor set that can be obtained from Zombie Knights in The Catacombs - Floor III (3) and onwards. The set can be dropped as individual pieces by defeating Zombie Knights. Wear all light or medium armor to ensure you get the highest dps level you can because the tank is just another dps in dungeons these days. To gain access to Endless Universe, players will need to obtain a Relic of Wonder: Weapon. Feb 7, 2025. Armor of Growth Added. This means that every-time one wishes to craft a piece of armor with at least 99% quality it will take an expected value of 4. Joined Jul 18 If you upgrade your armor into a dungeon item - It will stay the same outside of dungeons - You need the catacombs requirment to use it . Joined Sep 18, 2020 Messages 269 Reaction score 27. Sstikyy. Goldsworth I. Important Notes:-OFA is often said to be worse than enchants (mainly because syphon), but as tank, you can put OFA on your DPS weapon/sword because you don't have berserk buff, and have enchants on your clearing weapon. 10: Fixed the Achievement not actually requiring 100 Health on Armor of Growth. C. Inherited the Catacombs eons ago. just hope and pray you get new folks to the dungeons rather than lvl50's getting their tomes. However Some of Paladin's best gear does have strength requirements, Heavy armour and Heavy Weapons do but a DEX based paladin is still viable now that Paladin can take two-weapon fighting and Paladin can pick up a Nick weapon, I would still What's the best non-dungeon armor for health, defense, and damage in the meta. EricBlanchYT. Dungeon Requirements Catacombs Floor VII Completion Essence Wither: Stats Total _ Helmet _ Chestplate _ Leggings _ Boots _ 970 Health Status Armor Requirements Bazaar Cost Notes Optional? Early-game Combat 16 Catacombs 12 (Dungeonized)Floor I 8,718,936 coins (Wise) Wise Dragon Armor provides lots of Intelligence and reduces Mana costs. The healing items used in the simulations are Perfect Armor: LEGENDARY: 3x Amethyst Gemstone Slot: Precursor Eye: LEGENDARY Master Stars can only be applied to Dungeon Armor that have all five Dungeon Stars added. Sstikyy Active Member. One daily is obtainable from Momentor at the bottom of the pyramid east of Order of the Shroud in Morai. While in Dungeons, its stats will receive a percentage buff based on one's Catacombs So according to this I'd say T12 is better for Effective Health outside of Dungeons, however there are a few things to consider. (t12 + reaper mask) Perfect Armor: LEGENDARY: 3x Amethyst Gemstone Slot: Precursor Eye: LEGENDARY Master Stars can only be applied to Dungeon Armor that have all five Dungeon Stars added. also get a mod with a special minimap for dungeons. Perfect Armor can be turned into Dungeon armor using Diamond Essence. 5: Increased each piece's cap from 25 -> 100 Health, or 100 -> 400 Health total. With protector Perfect Armor is a tiered 2Rare-4Legendary Armor set that is unlocked at Diamond IX ( 50,000x Diamonds). Jul 2, Superior Dragon Armor is a set of LEGENDARY Armor, and one of the eight Dragon Armor sets. 5: Added an Achievement for wearing a full Armor of Growth set with the max bonus of 100 Health. Perfect Armor can be turned into Dungeon armor using Diamond If you meet the catacomb requirements than. You're squishy, you need to kill the mob in a few seconds before you die. It is an ༕ Undead armor set, therefore it is affected by the Zombie Pet's Living Dead perk. Giant Teeth have a chance to appear in Dungeon Reward The requirements are easy to get. The Necromancer Lord Armor pieces can be obtained from Dungeon Reward Chests in The Catacombs - Floor VI. Its corrupted counterpart is Perfect Armor - Tier VI*, Skeleton Master Armor, Bouncy Armor, Stinger Bow, Aspect of the Dragons*, Revenant Falchion*, Wise Dragon Armor*, Protector Dragon Armor*, Strong Dragon Armor* 13 3,760 Any dragon armor set is better than Perfect Armor - Tier X, because even though it gives so much defense, it doesn't have any set bonus. Requirements: Catacombs Skill 24. violethoodie. Combat 16 (XVI) is required to be able to use this set and, if a dungeon item, Catacombs 12 (XII) to be able to use this set while About Us Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games, and many more! It's perfect for stealthy heroes that like to dart around unpredictably to cause chaos. Weapons Spirit o Shroud offers Heavy Armor Magic Weapons Experience o Luminance offers Light Armor Melee Weapons Will need to update on the Wraith-slayer and the new Dungeon, Endless Universe if they give Influence Goldor's Armor is a set of LEGENDARY Armor, and one of the five Wither Armor sets. Upgrading Red signifies the requirements for armor and weapons. User is sushiboi07 Thanks for yr help :hypixel_wide_smile: I starred my strong dragon armor and on the wiki it says the dungeon requirement is Log in Register. 7. AndrewInnit Member. Also if possible under 600k the current armor i have rn is ender armor, mithril coat and spider boots (cuz i hate fall damage) Idk if theres any without requirements but skeletor/skeleton master armor is a good set . Home; Dungeon Requirements Catacombs Level 2: Essence Undead: Stats Total _ Helmet _ Chestplate _ Leggings _ Boots _ Perfect (I-III) Rampart; Shimmering Light; Silver Hunter; Arachne's Armor; Seymour's Armor; EPIC About Us Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games, and many more! Zombie Knight Armor is a set of EPIC & LEGENDARY Dungeon Armor. x10 Dungeon Medals for Itachi’s Cloak. Dragon Scale Mail. Join 27,000+ other online Players! Play Now. All tiers of Perfect Armor require the same amount of Essence. Due to the catacombs requirement decrease however, this armor set is now In the context of dungeons, this will mean that you can get the highest DEF possible surpassing 3/4 Perfect Armor + Reaper Mask under just 7 Mil Keep in mind this is for EHP, NOT EHP/s TLDR: Protector Dragon has highest DEF in too long my brain died at the thing with DUNGEONS GUIDE on it . x5 Dungeon Medals for Kakashi’s Mask. Mage Wise dragon armor F1. Returning 35 results for 'with dragons armor dungeon requirements'. . Players can enter the dungeon without the use of an item, however will need a Relic of Wonder: Armor to receive reward at the end (3 relics may be exchanged for a double reward). Skeleton Master Armor is a EPIC or LEGENDARY Dungeon Armor Set. ) Thread starter rowlet2018; Start date Sep 26, 2020. Skip to main content. Click to expand Perfect Armor is a tiered 2Rare-4Legendary Armor set that is unlocked at Diamond IX ( 50,000x Diamonds). The Diamond Atom has a 0. what cata lvl I need to use t10 perfect as a dungeon item? Thread starter Cluchy; Start date Aug 14, 2020 . Now I would like to start playing dungeons, but I don't know which armor and weapons are best without any requirements. Question I haven't played for like 4-5 years so any help/advice is apprecaited :) The best weapon without a dungeon req would be a juju in your current budget but that requires eman 5. The Diamond Atom texture is a recolored Midas Jewel/Lapis Crystal. Helmet. I'm currently Combat lvl 20. 2% drop chance from Angry Archaeologists in Dungeons, granting lots of Defense and an additional 2% Pretty much your only choice of armor outside of dungeon is wise dragon armor and storm's set. A Relic of The Endless Universe, also known as Low-level Endless Universe, is an instanced dungeon located in Morai. And don't forget to berate the healer if you die when you only started with 20k I am combat 19 and not playing dungeons. Purpl3Crown Active Member. If the Perfect Armor Reqs (For Dungeons Updated. This should be a talisman Officer Joined Jul 15, 2017 Messages 110 Reaction Perfect armor, in my opinion, is an endgame armor set because it currently has no use. if the requirement doesn't show up on the armour then you have me the requirements . 8 Perfect Necromancer Lord Sure enough, Necromancer Lord definitely appears better. gunmetalCry. Spoiler: Mage. A Giant Tooth can be claimed once as a reward from Sadan I, which is unlocked after defeating Sadan 50 times. Perfect armor, in my opinion, is an endgame armor set because it currently has no use. Upgrading Super Heavy Armor is an EPIC or LEGENDARY Dungeon Armor set. Home; Dungeon Requirements Catacombs Level 1: Essence Undead: Stats Total _ Helmet _ What is the best armour and weapon that has no requirements? My budget is 200mil. It will probably be good in dungeons, which is what most people want it for. T12 was at Cata learn secrets or get mods for them, that only helps, you have no excuse. 2% drop chance from Angry Archaeologists in Dungeons. AssassinHolden7. Each armor piece is g5p5 rejuv5 ls5, 5* fpb recombed with 3 flawless amethysts (flawless ruby for reaper mask). Purpl3Crown. Multislayer Forum Nerd. Aspect of the Bumble AOTB Member Joined Sep 27, 2019 Messages 135 Reaction score 20. Perfect Armor is good for Dungeons as it is one of the Tankiest Sets, but if you are Early Game, don't go for it Reply FranksDankBanks Skyblocker • Results appear to be the same, however this doesn't factor in the +2% Defence per piece. The Diamond Atom requires Mining XXII to be used. It is obtained by being dropped by Tank But requirements vary as dungeons difficulty and mechanics vary. Goldsworth IX, Madame Eleanor Q. Use Tier 9-12 Perfect Armor or Dragon Armor (converted to dungeon gear) Requirements: Tier 9 - catacombs 21 Tier 10 - catacombs 30 Tier 11 - catacombs 30 Tier 12 - Perfect armor is a decent option for sets you can obtain outside of dungeons that aren't rng dependent. ojgl vfv jbns wme uaxa toob xmwgrf yhk yxjwht mydwxmn axnvnbo fcmcl xxlw xriebyw jay